Tuesday, January 23, 2007

you must not know bout me :D

YO YO! my name is Nixx and i am hella wick! hahaha =)) i don't know why Colonel was making us write a rap song the other day but he's weird. haha. WOAHH, we got inspected today by the instructors and we were all freaking out. haha! i got inspected by Gunny and i was like soo nervous :| Thank God, he complimented me and said i did a good job. haha. i love drilling :D but not when it's freaking hot. it was soo cold today in the morning, then after lunch, people started sweating. grr. i don't know :| the weather's pretty weird.

i still can't get enough of Sarah's "Irreplaceable" performace last Sunday on ASAP. damn. she did hella good. i kept watching it on youtube earlier. haha. i also watched the original music video with Beyonce in it - and what can i say? damn. they almost sound alike. hahaha. Sarah is a fast learner, can't deny that! she's hella sick - like love it :D haha. i like both versions :D either one i listen to, i can't help but sing along with it. haha. Also, Ate Irish's prod number with Rachel and Sarah was the bomb! everybody liked loved it. whew! i hope she gets THAT MUCH exposure every week :D she's the tightest! haha. man, i don't at all watch ASAP before, but now, it hella rocks my socks!

Iris - where the hell have you been? haha damn. you haven't been attending school since yesterday. err :| i miss you, lil thing :( we need to hang out again. Jollibee with Dj? haha. man, come to school. i've been wanting to call you but i freakin' lost your number. send it to me again ;D come back to school. haha. i sound so stupid now, but damn, please show up tomorrow, yeah?

anyways... went home with Dj today :D he went to my house but my tita was here. haha. she saw him :D blehh! :D i let him borrow some of my brother's dvd's. haha. "you better give those back, asshole". haha jaykay :D [remember the old lady? hahahaha. you're soo mean.]. moving on.... i have tons of hw to do again :| i love Chemistry but i hate doing hw's :( lucky Dj, he has it 6th period. err :| it's okay, 4th is just fine :D by the way, after Dj left, i got a visit from Adette and Alyssa. aawe :( i missed those two girls :( Thank you guys, for visiting me :D haha. i love love love you! Dette, we need to hang out man. prolly Margaritas with Christine? hahaha.

i love Popcorn :D the Kettle one. hahaha. i don't know what it's called but me and my tita are soo obsessed with it. haha. it tastes soo good. err. Thanks Mrs. Rymer, for informing us about it :D hahaha. i love it. i ate a pack earlier, and my tita's about to put another pack in the microwave right now. hahaha. i miss my brother :( i know it's only been a day and a half, but damn :( Junjun [Adette's brother] is also in the camp with him :D they're with 3 other schools around National City, i guess :D haha. jannnn, take lots of pictures :D i wanna see, i wanna see! hahaha.

some pics i took today. i don't know, it was a laaaazy ass day :|

haha uhmm. i was bored, okay ? :D haha. man, should i take AP Chem next year? but i don't think i can handle it though, since i'm taking Physics too. huhu :(( Mrs. Moon was asking me too if i want to take AP Goverment next year and i'm just like "Why do they keep recommending me for freaking' AP classes?" haha.

man :| i always forget to take the flash off. haha :D that was before i took a shower. hmm. la lang :D i was bored. my mom braided my hair this morning for RO :D


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