Wednesday, September 20, 2006


"You`re not even mine and I`m afraid to lose you" - Jaja ='(

i miss my camera soo much. i think i`m going to die anytime soon just because i haven`t used my camera for so long now. it seems like forever since i last used it and heck, it`s killing me. in the first place, i don`t even know if it`s broken or not because according to Joyce and JC, i just need to buy a new lithium coin for it because it`s dead already but for me, it seems broken because it makes some sound whenever i shake it. damnn! i miss it soo bad ='( i think i need a new camera already.

anyway, 3rd day of vacation was freakin' boring. as usual, i didn`t do anything productive today. err. i hate being stucked inside the house for the whole effing day. i wanna go somewhere. i need a job so bad. i wanna go shopping. i need to fix my room. i need to save money! HELL, my life is soo deadening >.<

i`m nice, so i won`t let anyone read it anymore koz i don`t want her to get embarassed in front of everyone in the whole world. haha!


hey loser "you know who you are" or shall i also call you "janinelyns" ?. haha. i see you read my blog earlier at exactly 10:26PM, huh ? haha. how did i know ? ask the technology, and it`ll tell you, FASHO! bwahaha! you`re such a loser. keep viewing my site okay ? you`re my favorite visitor. haha. die with your insecurities. guess what ? ever since you made up a "janinelyns" sn, i was already going to curse you out but then i stopped, and i told myself "i think it`s a fun idea if i play with this bitch", and so i did and heck was it funn! haha. remember the first time i chatted with you and you said that nobody likes you because you`re UGLY ? haha that`s actually TRUE! you got that right girl (: and it came from your mouth already. i actually laughed when you told me that, and i was like "poor Mara, i think if she only had a lot of money, she could have done a plastic surgery already". ahaha. poor bitch. and about the latest quote that you copied from me, don`t say that you got that from The Hills, koz like DUH! i`m sure you`re not that DUMB not to know that there are gabazillion quotes that exist out there. why would you copy such quote from me when you know that that`s not the only quote that exists in this world ? haha. you`re soo stupid, seriously. do you really want to be me or something ? koz if you do, just tell me and i`ll be glad to give you some advice. don`t be OA and find ways to make an ANTI comment about this. you`re soo stupid. stop copying me, bitch. God`s watching you, he knows every lil bullshit that you`re doing. be contented with what God has given you. if you want to be pretty and look cool, then just be yourself. don`t make up stories koz it just makes you look poorer and just when you think people believe in what you say, they actually feel sorry for you because you have such a high pride. haha. lower your pride, por favor ? oh well. keep copying me if you want; as if you will be just like me. PSSHH. live life, don`t live with your dreams =))

haha =)) hey people. don`t chu feel sorry for this girl ? but please don`t torture her, nor say bad things to/about her because i don`t want MORE people to feel sorry for her. just keep your thoughts to yourself and LAUGH IT OFF =)) JEALOUS people these days.. YA KNOW ? =))

just finished watching Laguna Beach 20 minutes ago. haha =)) Cameron`s a bitch. wth`s wrong with him and he keeps copying Jason ? and uhh, Jessica always falls for the players. shizzz, i feel sorry for her. i love Jessica. omg, how many times have i mentioned that already ? haha. oh well. Tessa, get over Cameron. he has a gf already, okay ? haha. and uhh, Kydra, you`re such a slut. haha. i don`t think i can ever like you, and Cami as well. euwww. i like Rocky, she`s always cool! and Chase is the only cute guy in this fuckin' season! the rest are all ugly like hell. nomore hott Jason, double hott Stephen and cute Talan =(( oh well. i still love Laguna Beach. and omg, i`m soo gonna buy the "The Hills" dvd set when it comes out ;) i missed LC.

haha =)) this was at Teressa`s house, getting ready for Joyce`s parteee. i loved my hair a lot, and my make up, and my bangs, and all. haha.

blowfish. haha. i`m such a chink. shizz.

yuckk! feeling lil kid ? haha keeding. i was just trying to make my eyes look big. yeah, WHATEVER!

peeace YO (: back to being CHINKY again. my make up was too simple ;) why ? because simplicity is beauty (:

love love love my bangs (:

*ehem, BE JEALOUS MARA (: i`m not forcing you not to this time :D hahaha.


hey people. guess what i found ? haha. look at this. enlarge the pic and read it ;)

stare at her picture. haha =)) anyway, what the hell are you saying ? you kept viewing my friendster profile and your fucking face kept appearing on my fucking profile views so ofcourse i would go to your page, you dumbass. love you ? FUCK NO! hate you ? WHO DOESN`T ? haha =)) and you? on my mind ? HUWATAFAK ? that`s even funnier. what do you think of me ? a dreamer ? haha. and if i`m a devil, then what are you ? haha =)) a wild, ugly PIG ? haha ohh, what`s worse than that ? damn girl, stop ENVYING ME. look at your face. your eyebrows are soo sabog. your clothes are soo yuck. your hair! what the fuck ? get bangs or something. or atleast just leave it loose. haha, i`m giving you some advices already. damn girl! you must love me soo much. haha. you`re my dear stalker. whaaa.. from my blogspot, to friendster, to xanga, to livejournal, to myspace and even to multiply, you kept and keep following me. whaa! am i that special to you ? ahaha. damn girl. you`re so so so so LOW! get it ? COPY your ass, not other people`s. haha. if you want to have friends and not be a loner, change yourself. don`t overdream too much. haha. oh and one last thing, DO NOT TWIST THINGS around. i know you`re good at that, because that`s what pathetic copycats, ugly people with low life DO. ahaha. what now ?

whew girl! don`t love me too much. haha =)) wanna be like me ? KILL YOURSELF, first. you will never be like me. fucking remember that. don`t be a lesbo okayy ? haha. oh well. I MISS SUMMER.


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