Thursday, February 15, 2007

what a day :)

ohmygahdd, i loved this day. fah'reals, fah'reals. :)) i don't even know how to begin typing up my oh-so-wonderful day :| so yeah, last night, i posted on my blog that i'm not going to be in school until 9:30AM, right? but then.. after i posted that up, i was invited in a ym conference with Faye and Anne in it, and we all planned to not just completely go to school anymore. haha. funny thing was, we all agreed to it right away. haha. so yeah, that's how it started :)) i slept around 11ish last night 'cause i was really really tired and sleepy from Starbucks earlier before, and i woke up today at exactly 7:30AM :) thanks to my alarm, atleast i got 8hours of good sleep. hahaha. right away, i went online and guess what i saw? woaaaahhh! Ate Irish was online. ohmyfreakinggahdd. as usual, i was panicking again. hahaha. she left me a message on the screen for the 2nd time now and hell was it really flattering. damn, why does she have to do that? i'm not even special. hahaha. the message said "Hey Girlie" in it, but i didn't get to take a preview of it because i don't know what i was thinking by then, and i don't know what i was really supposed to do after. hahaha. so there, when i saw that message, i instant messaged her right away and said sorry that i forgot to sign off again. haha. yeah, it's always my fault because i always forget to put it in AWAY when i'm sleeping so she really thinks i'm online when i'm really not. but whatever, i'm glad she understands where i'm coming from :) love you Ate Rish. haha. so yeah.. she said hi to me and stuff and we started talking again. i must say, it wasn't really a long convo at all but it always feels different to chat with her. you know what i mean? i always feel excited and all those weirdslashunusual feelings when i start a convo with her. haha. it's just theee best. then yeah, after awhile, she wasn't replying anymore so i thought she was doing something more important already, so i said bye to her because i had somewhere to go to and i didn't get a reply back from her so i really thought she was busy already. haha. so there, i signed off and got ready to leave :) hahaha.

then then then.... i called Faye up and asked her where she was already and she said that she was at the stop already.. shucks, we had to commute to go to Anne's house because everyone was at school/work and if any of our parents find out that we're not in school, we'll for surely get in a big ass trouble. haha. so yeah, we had to commute, but t'was cool, actually :) hahaha. we saw Joyce's dad and Faye was like "omg, he's gonna tell Joyce we ditched.". haha. then we started laughing our asses off :)) t'was soo funny. then yeah, when we got to Anne's house, she told Anne right away that she wanted to swim in the pool, and i was all like "Are you guys nuts? I'm on my freaking 2nd day". hahaha. so too bad, they couldn't swim anymore. haha. so first, we played DDR and Faye and I slipped on the floor once. gahdd, the pads were soo slippery and there were no carpets on the playing area place. hahaha. 'sall good 'sall good :) i love DDR. i always play that at home with my brother too. haha, but in my case, it's easier slash better slash not slippery. hahaha. whatever! so yeah, while i was playing DDR and Faye on myspace, Anne was cooking pasta. YEYUHH! we all don't know how to cook so we just decided to eat pasta. haha. [Hey Anne, t'was good though :) specially the cheese. haha]. so there, after we ate, we went to the living room and we were supposed to watch a movie since i brought a whole bunch of dvd's with me but we just kept on talking and talking the whole time so we didn't get to watch anything anymore. hahaha. so like, around 1:00 i believe, we got hungry again, so we went out to eat at "Valerio's" right across the street from Anne's house so t'was only like a few steps away. hahahahaha. [yeah, soo Asian] :) we ate steak and lechon. YUMM! :)) while we were eating, we kept calling people at school and making them "inggit". hahaha. i called Christine once and she was like "Nixxieeeee, come over here at the bench" and i was like "stooge, i'm not in school." hahaha then we started laughing again.. t'was soo funny. then yeah, after we ate, we went back to the house already and this time, we started prank calling people. ohmygahdd, t'was soo craazy because we were using the voice transformer thingymajig on Anne's housephone. it's cool 'cause when you use it, it can make your voice sound different. it can make it sound like a guy, an old man, a young lady, and so on and so forth. haha. we prank-called Paolo quite a lot of times and he started getting all upset. haha. after like a lot of times of calling him using the same ass crazy voice over and over again, he started cussing us out. haha. i swear, t'was soo freaking hilarious we could not stop rolling on the floor laughing. hahaha. then called a few more people until we got tired. haha. then, then, then... we all exchanged phones.. haha. well, not really, but it's kinda just like it :) i have Anne's phone right now but with my own simcard in it ofcourse, and Faye has Anne's Razr but with her own simcard too :) haha YAY! both mine and Faye's ringtone is soo funny. haha, yeah, we have the same one. it's hella craaazy! haha. then yeah. we started taking pictures using the phone and i looked so demented in all of 'em. haha. i only liked one :)) shizzz. then uhm.. around 3ish, we did kareoke :) FUN, FUN, FUN. "and your smile is tattooed on my mind".. love love love that song, right Faye? :) then uhmm. "do i need a reason to tell you why i'm singing you this song..." wheeee. FUN, FUN, FUN.. i swear, this day was hella fun. i didn't regret not going to school. haha :)) went home around 4ish [yeah, had to commute again, DAMNIT] 'cause the school attendance calls around 5 or 6. hahaha i was scared, ookay! :| thank god mom wasn't home. haha. i looooved this day..

next week, i might go with Faye, Anne and Paolo to DMV [Department of Motor Vehicles] to take a driving test :) shizzz, i wanna drive already :| i wanna get my license already, or atleast my permit, for now :) that would be okay too.. haha. damn. i swear, car's not a problem, i just really need the permit :) i wanna drive already. shizzz. prayers are appreaciated :))

party on Saturday :) YAY! i can't wait. still don't know what to wear though :) oh yeah, bad bad bad. earlier, Faye pm'ed me on ym and she was like "I can't go on Saturday anymore". and i was like "Whaaaaaat? Why not?", and she goes "We're going to Seaworld"... WHAAAAAA :(( sad, sad, sad. bad, bad, bad. haha. :| i don't know if i'm going to Paolo's party on Sunday though :| i mean, i really wanna go, but... shucks, nevermind. i'm not going. haha.

oh by the way, i'm NOT going to Bamboo's concert anymore :) i don't really care, you know why? look/read below :)

tanannn. Ate Irish's concert is on it's way. hahaha. that's all i was waiting for. a confirmation from Ate Irish, herself :) i love you Ate Rish, gahdddd. you made my day :) hahaha. thank you soo much for confirming it to me.. i shall start saving now :) hahaha. she said she'll tell me the dates right away when she gets the updates soon. wheeeee. how sweet of her :)

"Sorry BABE"... "Babe"... "Babe".... "Babe".... haha wait, is that right?.. damn.. she's totally making me insane. shizzz. she's theee sweeetest, fah'reals. i<3you Ate Irish, forever and ever, Amen :)

Thursday ditchers. haha. don't follow us, ditching is bad. haha. no wait, we didn't even ditch, we didn't just completely go to school >.< haha. my reaction after seeing this picture on the phone: "Anne, don't chu just look like a lil puppy?". hahaha. damn people, we need a lot of sleep. hahaha.

eww.. that doesn't look peaceful. that's demented :| sleeping on Anne's lap while she was singing. ohmyfreakinggahdd. jaykay, Anne. haha.

Fayeeeee, too bad, you couldn't swim. haha :)) that's okay :) you can do that next time. haha. yeah, we were all wearing peejay's today. hahaha. damnit, freaking' low lifes. haha jaykay. school's whaaaack :|

YAYY! 4-DAY WEEKEND for us :) wheeee. actually 5, because we didn't go to school today. hahaha. wheeee! i love life. i hope i get to chat with Ate Irish more this week :)


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