Sunday, October 22, 2006

"I suppose it is much more comfortable to be mad and know it, than to be sane and have one's doubts" - G. B. Burgin

i am so angry and mad and disappointed and delirious and distracted for Irish being nominated for this week`s expulsion. what the f*ck? she totally doesn`t deserved to be under probation. a lot of people agreed that her performance last night was greeat and i can`t see any reason why those f*cking judges nominated her and told her all their f*cking comments about her performance. gadd damn, everyone in PEX and everywhere else are soo mad right now because who would`ve thought that the person that we all thought that was going to be this week`s Star Scholar would actually be one of the nominees for next week`s expulsion? pakingshet! even if you say that Irish is my favorite, that doesn`t solve a thing. her performance was well done and i really thought she was going to be the starscholar. if you watched it, i`m sure you`re disappointed with the results too. f*ck that! don`t ever get those stupid judges ever again. they`re f*cking stupid. what were they doing the whole time when Irish was performing? did they take a pee pee break when she was singing? or that f*cking Kuh Ledesma is just insecure of Irish because she knows that Irish is a threat to her because she sings well and she can belt. they`re soo f*cking stupid. even Headmaster could not believe that Irish was nominated because he really thought she did very well. he just couldn`t do anything about it because as what he said, they have to respect the judge`s decisions too. pakingshet! the scholars are soo freakin' mad at the judges right now because what they did was really lame and dumb! gadd damn! i am sooo mad right now! all these weeks, her grade was always line of 9, and now.. PAKINGSHET! they gave her a f*cking 7.3 DIE B*TCHES DIE.

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you can do it Irish! PROVE ALL OF THEM F*CKING JUDGES WRONG! we will support you in any way we can.. we`re not going to let you down. Go Irish!

Irish, Mich and Joan crying in the dance room.. this is really unfair man...

The nominees get special messages from their loved ones. Irish`s mom made me f*cking bawl.. as in i was crying to my lungs!!


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