Sunday, November 19, 2006


okay, it may be too late to mention already, but i just wanna congratulate "Manny Pacquiao" for winning last night's rematch with "El Terible". baybeeh, knock out on the 3rd round? whoaaaa! my uncles and aunties almost jumped off a cliff while watching Morales fell every single time. haha. it was soo funny. i didn't really watch it live but i heard everything from the PDA house 'cause the scholars were watching it too and i could hear it from their tv. hahaha. they were freaking' jumping like lil kids. haha. it seemed soo fun! Pacman is a freaking' hero. i admire his passion and determination. that's what you call a "real fighter" right there. i loved how he made the cross sign every time his name and the Philippines were mentioned. i loved how his hunger on his face turned out to be the reason why he got the determination to prove everyone on that specific time that noone can beat us [the Filipinos] in such crusade like this. we really are the best! it was so touching to know, to see, to hear that a lot of Filipinos from all over the world took the time to stay home just to watch Pacman's fight. it was very touching to know that even the celebrities, the officials of the goverment, and every single aspect of the people, from young to old were all joining forces for Pacman's fight. that's what i love about the Filipino spirit. we are so compassionate to one another. i am very much proud to say that i belong in one of the million people who are truly proud to be Filipino! i salute you Pacman [: you really are our country's dear treasure. i loved how you made everyone united last night.

on the other hand, felt a lil sad about Morales. he was soo cute before and after the fight. i always thought he was cute, and he really is. right? haha! i love his face. he's got nice abs too. he even got skinnier. last time i saw him, he was quite buff. haha and when i saw him now, i got overwhelmed. haha! he's still hot though! i'm not happy that he lost, but i'm happy how he finally accepted the fact that Pacman is way way better than him, and the fact that he can never beat him. i salute you for that, Morales [: by the way, Sarah Geronimo was also good when she sang our National Anthem. i almost cried actually, because it was soo touching to see that EVERY SINGLE one of us were so proud of our own country.

"Look at me, You may think you see who I really am, But you'll never know me".

i guess, now is the time to finally scratch my former favorite song "She Will Be Loved" off my list. when i first heard the song "Reflection", i thought to myself that it really is such a great song, but i never used to appreciate it until yesterday when i started listening to it again. damn, when i played it the first time around, i was just completely staring at the freaking' screen. then i began to realize "How stupid i was for not noticing this song way back when i first heard it". haha. now i guess you can say that i can't stop listening to this song anymore. haha! i've been actually listening to it since this morning. haha. i love love love it. it's indeed my favorite favorite song now [: yes baybeeh. She will be loved would be second, and All My Life third. hahaha. listen to it, i put it as a background music here and on myspace. haha. freaking' LSS again. hahaha. listen to it, listen to it, and get addicted [:

tomorrow's Monday again :| it's okay though 'cause Mrs. Rymer's not gonna be around anyway. haha. then my "Pee Pee Gee" and I are going out after school. YAY! i miss them soo much. we're gonna eat at the Vietnamese Noodle House. haha. see you there? haha behh. damnit, i can't stop listening to my song.. shizzzz!

the new PDA rule states that we [the viewers] can now request a song that we want our favorite scholar to sing on expulsion nights. i got so excited when i heard the good news. haha. i emailed PDA right away and requested Irish to sing "Reflection" :) yeah baybeeeh. i really really want her to sing that song. i think it fits her thoroughly and it's so her. i love love love this freaking' song. haha! the thing is, the PDA production team will review all our suggestions and the song that gets the highest request for that specific scholar will be the one that he/she's going to sing. aawe! isn't that cool? now, please help me email the PDA staff for Irish [: haha. just simply email them at and write on the email that you want Irish to sing "Reflection". easy as that. it won't take you more than 30 seconds to do that! please please do it. [: thank you very much [:

damn! can't stop listening to "Reflection"... i made a new layout on myspace. you should go see it now. hahaha. i put the song there as well. hell yeah!


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