Monday, March 26, 2007

theeeeeee hills <333

The Hills last night was superb ! i lalalalala loved it :) t'was basically my most favorite episode ever :) i can`t believe next week`s the season finale, though :| i don`t want it to end yet cause i`m totally gonna cry my eyeballs out. haha :)) i love that show to bits, and i hate it when my favorite shows have to end. err. just when i`m actually getting hooked to it more and more, it is when it`s going to end. ughh ! i haaate it. this season totally rocked my socks, and it still does, actually, since it hasn`t ended yet ! okayy, now i`m not making sense, but... i just really don`t want it to end. omfg, i am going to cry buckets :| it`s only been what ? 3 ? 4 months ? since it started ? ughh :| i`m just repeating what i said, but err, i hate this feeling :| i lalalalala love Lauren, Whitney, Audrina and Heidi ! YES, that`s already in order :) haha. i am going to miss Lauren`s cockiness to Heidi. i am going to miss Heidi`s never ending annoying stories about Spencer. i am going to miss Audrina`s kindess to everyone, and most importantly, i am going to miss Whitney`s super beautiful smile, voice, and just everything about her. ohh gahdd, Whitney is flaming hot. haha okayy, that sounds kinda wrong, but, in other words, Whitney`s beauty is just... incomparable :) it`s not sickening. in other words, when you look at her once, you would wanna look at her over and over and over and over again :) hahaha. i lalalalala love The Hills :) need i say more ? haha :))

okayy, so like, i have this friend of mine, and she`s kinda going through a lot right now :( i`ve been wanting to help her, but i don`t know how to start :| we became super close last year, but something just happened and we started not talking with each other, which lasted for a year :| i know :| we still don`t talk as much until now but in times like this, i feel like i have to do something to atleast make her feel better and try to find a way to lessen the burden she`s currently holding inside :( i know it`s hard losing someone who really means a lot to you, but as what people say, "God has his reasons" and i believe, he has better plans for you guys and for "her". i know it`s hard, and it`s not that easy to move on after what happened, but as much as i want to tell her that i`m always gonna be here for her, i just can`t, because i don`t have the courage to do so. i know :| what a timid young lady, right ? she once became one of my closest friends, so i really feel like i must do something about it. i miss the old her. we all do, but we just don`t know what to do. she`s turned into a different person after what happened, which is not good :| a lot of people are getting affected because a lot of people care about her. we don`t want her to get hurt and suffer, but we just can`t do anything because whatever we do, it seems useless to her :| we miss her so much :( i, personally, want to tell her that it`s not the end of the world. that her life doesn`t end here. that she`s too young to be like this. that she has a lot of friends by her side, but i`m afraid that she wouldn`t believe me, and just continue not talking to me :| i really want her to atleast feel that people, especially us "her friends" also get hurt when we see her sad and almost want to cry. i really understand where she`s coming from, but dude, she`s too young to feel all this shits. when/if ever you read this, i just want you to know that no matter how long we didn`t talk, you still remain special to me, not only because you`re a good friend, but because you are not afraid to express how you feel ! i know you`re strong, so please, don`t torture yourself like this anymore !

okayy. back to The Hills. haha :)) last night, after i watched it on the tv, i went on the website and watched it again :)) and ofcourse, i took some scaps of ever so bee-yoo-tee-ful "Whitney" uhh ? i don`t know her last name. haha :)) but yeah :) i just totally love her smile and her body and her height and her hair, and her voice. haha :)) i wish i had her voice. gahdd. she is just the cuuutest ever, when she starts talking. haha. i feel like i`m hearing some 10year old lil girl whenever she opens her mouth and speak. haha. i love Whitney :)

aawe. isn`t she just the cuuutest ? haha :))

gorgeous :) with or without make up on :)

before modelling :)

haha. smiling at Lauren before walking :) what a cute smile ! haha.

Lauren`s reaction right after Whitney fell on her last step :))

after the shoot.

aawe. trying to comfort Whitney :)

Lauren: You know what ? I thought it was gonna be a domino effect for all the girls. like they were all gonna go down.

hahaha. that`s some funny ass shit right there :)) Lauren can sometimes be hilariouuuus :)) but i love her anyway :) i loved that line :) Good one, LC ! you made me crack up, for atleast 5 minutes, nonstop. haha :))

holyshit. t'was Rappy`s 18th birthday yesterday and i hella forgot to greet her. damn. oh well, i left her a comment on myspace :)) haha. love you, Rappy. i thought last night was the party, so i sort of panicked :)) but then.. i found out that it`s still actually on.. ? i forgot again :)) i`ll try to come, though :) love you Rappy. we needuhh chill like fer`reals, kayy ? i miss you so so so much :) Good luck with you and Aaron :) that bastard :)) i miss you guys :)

okayy, i gotta go. i`m talking too much :)) hahaha. Christine`s obsessed with my Myspace song :) i love you, Tinnieeewinnieee :)


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