Tuesday, May 29, 2007

pongo para no querer ir a la escuela más -__-

hey there, good looking [: tenías un buen día ? el mío estaba bien. Hahah ! shut up. i watched Ms. Universe last night, && why the fuck were the Mexicans soo rude to Ms. USA ? deyuuum. that was racism right there. fucking` rude ass taco people. Bush should assassinate them all now. Hahah ! but yeah. i was actually rooting fer Ms. Korea, Brazil && USA. i can`t believe all 3 of em` made it to the Top 5. Hahah ! i really thought Ms. Korea was gonna win though, cause she`s freaking` gorgeous as heck. her face rolls mad deep, yo. Hah ! but i was happy that it was Japan [: she`s hecka pretty too, && young && real, not like Brazil`s boobs. Hahah ! her evening gown was to die for. omg, i want one like that. Hahah ! deyuuum. do you think i can get one here ? fer`reals though. when she was like ramping down the aisle, i was all "holy spit, i loooove her gown." && then yeah. i`m soo happy an Asian girl won, cause Asian Women really are the most caring && loving women in any part of the Universe. that`s fa`sho nigguh`s. don`t be hatin` now. it`s about time an Asian owns the crown. hahah ! enough of them` Latin people. Hahah ! OMFG, i wanna be friends with Honey Lee now. [Ms. Korea] really though. she`s a perfect symbol of real beauty && i super liked the way she smiled. especially her dimples. deyuuum. i`m not Korean, but what the heck ! my Korean friend *cough Eujin cough* is actually still hailing up until now. Hahah ! i love Koreans. they`re beautiful [:

okayyy. so like, my butt hurts && my arms hurt real bad, from soccer today. fuccckk ! my right boob got hit by the effing` ball too. what an idiot ! we played it sitting down, crawling basically, using only our arms [to crawl], && our feet. Hahah ! my team sucked monkey balls. Jayykayy [: we were good; but we lost. Hah ! my butt hella hurts until now. && my arms, omg, i feel like they`re gonna get seperated. Hahah ! tomorrow i have Chemistry, && i`m jess soo effing` scared. i`ve a lot of hw due tomorrow, && it`s seriously not the right time to procrastinate now. i`ve an essay due in US History, && a whole page of shit to memorize in 2nd period which i`m most probably gonna get tested on, orally, first thing in the morning, tomarrow. ugh ! i wanna get out of school now. somebody pick me up tomarrow && never return me home ? Hahah ! insaaaane. oh mehngggg. whenever any of our teachers hear us say that word "Insane", they`d be like, "Do you know what that word really means ?". it has a lot of definition, i know [: but yeah. Hahah !

HAPPY PILLS [: Hahah, jesskeeding [:

one part of my life is currently on hold right now. aawe :| i think i`m jess gonna be a NUN, in the future ! cause what the hell ? love sucks ! && yes, i jess said that. it really does suck ! but not, if you really are inlove. Hahah ! wtf ? i wish there were actually more guys in this world who are as sweet && as good && as loyal as Landon in "A Walk To Remember". i swear, if i find a guy jess like him, that`s totally who i`m gonna marry && grow old with, fer the rest of our lives [: but too bad, guys now are fucking` playah`s; so why not play the game as well, right ? [;

oh, && one stupid thing. when i was watching Ms. Universe last night; i was all, "Wtf ? I know this girl." [i`m talking about the girl host], && then, when the show was actually about to end already, that was when i realized that i really do know her. Hahah ! i was like, "Deyuuum. I knew it. It`s Vanessa Minnillo". Hahahah. what a loser ! so like, yeah. i suddenly remembered Jessica Simpson, who i used to love soo much :[ oh mehnggg, i really thought Nick && her are gonna live happily ever after :| but what the heck ? okaayy soo yeah ! there`s a new Season of "The Simple Life" && i`m soo excited to watch it again [; Nicole Richie`s hella skinny. what the hell has she been doing ? i wanna know ! Hahahah !

Good Day/Night Good-lookings ! WE FLY HIGH [:

okayy ! can`t get enough of this, really. LOOK, LOOK, LOOK [:

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

sleeepy-head [:

alrighty ! so like, i seriously need to stop listening to this song ='(

i`ve been coming home from school/somewhere else all reckless and tired for the past 2 days, and it`s just soo strange.. that.. even if i try taking a nap at home, i still feel the same hella thing when i wake upp. now tell me, what is seriously up with that ? i just actually woke upp from a 2 hr napp, and just barely took a showerr to feel alive, again. things have been very PENSIVE, these past few days, and i mean, VERYYY ='( i can`t take what`s happening anymore. Seniors are graduating in approximately 4 weeks from now, and i just can`t stand the fact that they`re soon be leaving all of us behind ='( i haaaaate that. i haaate it when people leave. i feel like we have to take charge of em` now that they`re leaving. sheezums. I DON`T WANNA GROW OLDER. i wanna stay this way fer`ever ='( i`m just so, so, so sad, and you don`t even know how much it hurts me everytime i walk in the hallway to school, lookin` at the Senior memories, by the 100 building ='( fuckshit. it`s bringing me to tears everytime i stare at it. i`m soon gonna be hearing that one song by Vitamin C, again. fck ! that one makes me bawl, REALLY. the one that goes "As we go on, we remember, ALL THE TIMES we HAD TOGETHER... and as our lives change, from whatever, we will still be FRIENDS FOREVER" *bawls and screeeeams*. some kleenex, per favor ='(

hold upp. THESIMPSONS is on (:

... dot dot dot.
okaaay, i`m back. watching it doesn`t even help at all. i still feel the same thing until now. fck ! okayy, maybe, i should just go back to sleep and shut the hell upp. but NO, that won`t help either. woaaah ! what am i supposed to do ? drown myself to tears ? NAHH. aaaaaahhh ! i wannuh... i wannuh... i wannuh... be happy ='(

so anyways. came to school early in the morning todayy, cause` i wanted to eat at Jack in The Box, but when i met upp with Jhoann and Stephanie outside the school, we three just decided to walk down 7-Eleven and buy food. hahh. so yeah, when we got there, i bought a bag of Combos, Quaker Mix && a Nesquik Chocolate Milk. YEAH, i was THAT hunggry. shut the hell upp. on the wayy back to school.. we... NEVERMIND ! hahah. then yeah, then yeah, then yeah. when we came back to school, they started eating SUSHI ! fuckthatshit. Christine made me eat a piece, and i just spit it out after realizing that i didn`t like it. hahah ! damn duuude, i will never ever like that shit. effin` naaastyyy ! hahah. Christine && Jhoann && Stephanie are soo inlove with it. && even Iris and Khayns. hahah. and guess who brought "Moo`s" to school ? ugh. freakin` C-Anne did. hahah ! she brought one fer me though (: i love you, C-Anne. i was gonna buy one too, but then i realized 7-Eleven wasn`t a Filipino Store, so i ended up buying Nesquik instead. hahah ! she just made my whole morning right there. went to 2nd period all bloated and shit. haha. munched with Brendaboo still (: HAHH ! yeeeah, get faaat. 4th period - NONSENSE ! did nothing fer TWO hours but HOMEWERK ! yeahps, all of us ='( texted with Kevin the whole time. duuuude, i only have 100 something left. woaaahh ='( okayy, LUNCH - FRIENDS (: blah blah blah... 6th period - PRESENTATIONS (: Mrs. Moon`s hella cooool. i looove her. she was the only teacher i greeted "Happy Teacher`s Day" last Friday ! hahah. CAUSE SHE`S COOL LIKE THAT (: with cherry on top (:

came home early, as what i said. ate. went on AIM. signed out. myspace. signed out. took a nap. woke up after 2 hrs. checked phone after. read msgs from Kevin, but didn`t reply ='( took a showerr. && right now, blogging. 2 miscalls from Kevin. haven`t called back. got another msg asking me to pick upp. i`m not going out with him. YET ? hah ! but, i do like him a loooot. Shrek the 3rd with him should be fuuun (: Christine && Jack too. but i`m trying to hook Christine up with my friend Simon though! ugh. i really want them together. OHMYGODD ! he goes to Morse, with the rest of our O`Farrell Middle School friends (: but so what, right ? Kevin goes to San Diego High, and i go to SUHI ! i actually think that`s better, so you always miss each other. HAHAH !

ooh, and before i forget, something happened to ME, Paolo && C-Anne after school. hahah ! shit, that was funny. DON`T DO THAT again, okayyy ? hahah ! damnn! hahah. shit. C-Anne thought the person was just waving at her, and she almost waved back, but then, HAHAHAHAHAHAH ! okayy, i don`t make sense, but damn, HAHAHAHAH, that`s all, kthanksbyee (: i`m craaaazy ! Paolo was like soo pissed. HAHAH !

please don`t worry bout` me i`m fine (: trust me when i say, that i`ll be okaaay. go on Nixx (: HAHH !

woaah ERIZ, are you freakin` serious ? HELLS NAH ! i`m just gonna go to class =`( that`s messed upp.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

gimeee a hug, yeah ?


i almost cried during Lunch Time, but Thank God for Jhoanne, cause she was there to cheer me up ! Tayy-tayy, you are too effin` young. you`re only eighteen, mhen. but what else can we do ? it`s already there ! i am just going to cry my heart out when you move to Washington after your Graduation ! fuckshit. i`ve known you since like forever. it`s just... soo freakin` hard. i wanna see the baby. woaahh ! i wish i could fly to Seattle in September, to see the baby, and you. i am going to miss you, Tayy-tayy ! i swear to God. this is effin` hard :( i can`t believe i am going to lose a bestfriend in just a couple of months from now ! fuck ! and you`re gonna be a mommy already :(

so there. after school. Me && Teressa just stayed in her car and TALKED ! && yes, i mean, SERIOUS talk ! almost cried, but i got to control it. it`s going to be her 5th month next week. siiiiigh. during the talk, i also told her how much i`ve been wanting to have my own family too. and i mean, my twins, and my husband ! hahh. weird, i know, but heck, i think i wanna have a family now. okayy, i`ll shut upp. the talk lasted fer about 2 hours and something, then after that, Teressa dropped me home, and up until now, i`m still thinking about her, and the baby. John, i know you`re a nice man. PLEASE DO take care of my best friend. fuckin` life, why do you guys have to moooove all the way upp there ? that`s like, 2 days of driving, mhen. dooooooon`t moooooove anymore. *screeeeams*.

so, i told my mom about it, and she just got sooo sad. yeah, she really did, cause ever since she came to know Teressa, my mom already told me that she likes her A LOOOOT, so when i told her what happened, she just got suuuper sad, and she wants to talk to her and stuff. *tears*. after that, i was like "Mom, what if i get pregnant at the age of 18, too ? What would you do ?", and she was like "I won`t say anything BUT CRYYY". damnn ! now i know how she`s gonna feel when that happens to me. i`m so, so, sad :( i waaant twins :(

- Shrek the 3rd with Kevin on Friday. with Christine & her boyfriend, Jack ! if not on Friday, on the weekend :(

i still feel a lil bit sleepy and exhausted even though i just took a shower to freshen up. ugh, i think it`s all because of swimming yesterday. the water was too effin` cold and i dived in. hahah ! plus, Simon kept splashing water on me, when i told him even before i went in the water, not to wet my hair. hah ! sall` good, atleast i got to hang out with my old ass friend from freakin` Middle School. after 4 hella years, mheng. he`s still as hot as he was before, though. hahah ! Simon, you freakin` haaaave my... lighter ! hahah. hoebagg ! anyways... i think, the Java Chipp got me all tired too. when i came home from Starbucks, i almost fainted on the couch ! EFF ! but really, driving on the road, with your feet up on the window`s hella fuuun ! haha. Christine`s a craaazy ass, and i love her fer that (: she`s getting her license soon ! i`m such a looooser. i wish i was already 18. hahah ! sall` good. Driving Lessons starts next month (:

Christine doesn`t have a 5th period class, so today after school, she called me on my phone to tell me that she was going to pick me and Jhoann up, so we could chill and eat out, but then... Tayy-tayy already asked me first, so i couldn`t refuse to that. i wanted to talk to her about things, too, so i just told Christine that i will be hanging out with her tomorrow. soo yeah ! during school hours, was texting with Kevin the whole time. hah ! he called me during 3rd period, since we had a sub anyways, so, i talked to him, and i made Faye talk to him too, to ask some stuff. HOLLERATIONS needed (: hahh. Kim a.k.a. Shrek was hella demented. hahah ! i swear, 3rd period will always be boring without Kim && Faye in there. && Anne too, but she was absent today. PSH ! hah ! i love them (:

PRESENTATIONS in 5th period. looooved it (: everytime i talk, Warrant goes "I want the person next to you to speak this time." haha. okayy, okayy (: then, yeahhh. i think we did good (: i looooved our poster, cause i did most of it (: hahah ! heyy, i woke up at like 4 o`clock this morning to finish drawing those stick people shit. haha. KEEDING, i loooove stick figures (:

i looooove it. got it off google, but swear, mine`s better than this. HAHAHAH

MY FRIENDS ARE COOLER THAN YOURS (; && i love em like heaven(:

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Current mood: HOOOOOT x_x
Current song: My Place [Nelly]

ohh mheng !!! it`s sooo fcking hoooootttt ='[

i feel like i`m in hell. hah. it`s been too freaking hooot ever since Sunday afternoon. and yes, i mean, TOO HOOOOT ! it`s kynna nice to know that Summer is fast approaching, but heckkk, why does it have to be thissss hoot, when it`s only the beginning of May ? haha. damn. i know i whin a lot, but damn, i don`t think i`m the only one who actually do. haha. Stephanie and I kept singing "Summer Nights" earlier in school. haha. wtf`s upp with that ? BOOYAH !

i keep changing the layout. NOT NICE ! i keep.. uhm. i don`t know. i guess i just really need to learn how to be contented with things. haha. i feel like a total idiot ! but anyways... i wanna doodle.. on someone`s face x_x a heart doodle, specifically. kthanksbyee.

Faaaaaye. where the hell were you last night ? your mom called me around 12 o`clock asking where you were. haha. i was like, "whaaaaat ? i don`t know either". hahaha. mheng, i know who you were with yesterday. you fcking idiot. what did you dooo ? and why weren`t you in school today ? hhmmm. we tried calling you, but you weren`t picking upp. WOMAN, you better show up tomorrow, or i`ll kick your ass next time i see you. intiendes ? SI ? NO ? does not matter. haha. i still will.

damn. MARIO BARRETT is hooooot. ooh-whee. SHHH ! ZIPPP ITTT.

my eyes hurt. ouchyyy. i waaaant Jamba Juice, or Lollicup, please.. Strawberry Banana, k ? thank you very much !