Sunday, April 08, 2007

UHMM. NICO, HEY :) haha. go to sleep, buttcrack. stop giving comments on myspace :)) i`m tired reading. hehehe jaykayy ! meet you at the mall your ass ! :)) get my number my ass :)) jaykayy !

Nikki, thanks for telling me about that one song. now, i can`t stop listening to it. ugh :| i owe you one, ka-ba-ba-yan ? ahaha :)) yezz, we were both born in Bataan. haha :)) she was from, uhmm, i fergot. but yeah, super close to mine. haha. i made it my bg song [on myspace] already, btw. haha. listen to it if you like, and leave me comments :) I LOVE EM ! I SURE DO ! kthanksbyee.

it`s freaking 12AM. haha. MERRY BUNNY DAY TO ALL OF YOU ! church at 11AM @ Saint Mary`s. [meet me there] and lunch with the fambam and relatives. then, home, then homewerk time, then, i wanna sleep early, cause i`m excited for school the next day. haha. i know :|

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i`m back c[: had lunch with the fambam at Panda Palace, then home. Jan didn`t go trick or treating [why the hell did i type that up ? hahaha] EGG HUNTING, cause my cousins are all up in Eastlake. haha. aawe, i love it there c[: i wanna trasfer to Eastlake High, but it`s too late already. duhr, i`m graduating next year. haha :)) and i have to do a senior portfolio from those four years that i`ve been at Suhi. i can`t wait fer my senior year, though. Welcome Back Dance, Winter Formal, Luau Party, Sweetheart`s Ball, Talent Show, PROM, and so on and so forth c[: YAY ! limousine, babyyy. haha. i can`t wait to graduate either. i hella wanna go to UCLA [University of California, Los Angeles]. i jess wanna get outa here. haha. jaykayy, but i really wanna go there, though c[: CROSS FINGERS ! that`s like, my dream school ever since 9th grade. haha :)) it`s soo easy to get scholarships here, cause yeah, Bush is rich :)) so yeah. good luck to me. college life is fast approaching. i jess wanna graduate high school and sing our alma mater fer the last time already :)) i`ve been studying fer 11fucking years now. the hell. almost 12, after this year`s over. haha. YAY ! two more months, babyyy, and i`m on vacayy c[: SUMMER ! wait fer meee. Shamu, you too, kayy ? haha :))

NiGGER: a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast.

hey hey, i say "nigger" 92027464 times a day, but i ain`t no racist. haha :)) i love people. especially them "blacks". they just look kinna intimidating, but they`re the coolest people you`ll ever meet :)) I THINK ? haha. YEAAHH ! i lalalala love chicken, bitch c[: especially, uhm, BUFFALO WINGS WITH FLAMING HOT HOT HOT SAUCE. oh shizz. haha :)) we jess had em fer dinner last night :)) SO YEAH, i`m hunggrryyy. damn you.

Nixx and Faaaaaye need to stop procrastinating and get our asses off our chairs and do our hw`s. haha :)) we have the same problem. what happened to those 4 weeks ? uhh. we crammed, and this is what we get from it. LAST MINUTE, man ! i`m doing my Chem Notes later tonight [: thank god, it`s jess notes. Faye`s doing her Psychology hw which is due, tomorrow at first period. haha :)) damn. NICE, NICE ! why are the teachers soo freaking, uhm, lame ? they should understand that SPRING BREAK means, time to spend time with family & friends, time to have fun and kill time. NOT to do stoopid hw`s that don`t even do anything but confuse our minds. haha JAYKAYY. i jess haaate it. cause they give us like 92037847 hw`s all at once, even though we haven`t learned some of em. haha. YEAH ! talk about self study. gahh. but whatever. i still have to do it, anyways :)) why whin ? right ? haha. jess do it Nixx, jess do it. ARYT, i`ll get it over with, tonight. NO CHOICE ! haha.

so there`s this one guy, and he kinda has my heart. <3333 AAWE !


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