whew! hey guys (: i told you so. haha. do you believe me now ? see, i`m soo effing right, right ? hahaha. she`s a damn looser! haha. i told you so (: haha. she has an effing high pride and remember what i told you about what her worst attitude is ? she twists things around. see ? hahaha. thanks for tagging on my tagboard, Mara (: haha. now we know who you truly are. you know what everyone said ? "i wish i have her confidence". haha. everyone`s jealous of your confidence. it`s like suuuper high! haha. you know what ? if i just have your confidence, i would also tell everyone the things you keep on saying or even nicer than those. haha. you`re soo effing funny, i swear! i mean, everytime you say something about you, we just can`t help but laugh. bwahaha! your pride, girl (: LOWER IT DOWN! ahaha. we`re scared koz maybe the next time you come here, you just tag out of nowhere and tell us that you`re family owns every single village in the Philippines ALREADY. hahaha. now, HOW COOL IS THAT ? well Mara (: i just wanna tell you this (: BE CAREFUL with everything you say because God`s eyes are always on you. your family is religious, right ? then you should know that. what you`re doing is wrong, Mara (: call me a bitch or slut, i don`t care. atleast i don`t lie as horrible as you do. atleast i don`t have such a high pride like you. atleast i don`t make things up just for people to like me. i`ve been telling you this and will keep telling you that if you want to have "friends", be yourself. don`t try to be someone that you`re not. you know what i truly see on you ? i see INSECURITIES. like lots of 'em. you like Paris Hilton right ? or Lauren Conrad ? that`s why you`re doing all of these because you want to be just like them. don`t try so hard, Mara (: it`s okayy to idolize people but not to the extreme that you`d say lots of things that aren`t even true. don`t copy people just because you wanna be like them. copy them because they give you inspiration and all. don`t try to be someone that you`re not. refresh your mind, Mara (: it seems like you`re lost and can`t find your way back to the original you! i met you 3 years ago and the Mara girl that i met is way different than the Mara girl that i`m facing now. your personality is full of insecurities and guilt and pride, and if you think it`s good, well it`s not. as what i always say; the more you try to say lies about yourself, the more people tend to feel bad for you. i don`t think you have respect for your own self because you don`t even care what the hell you are saying anymore. you have the right to hate me, i understand that, but you don`t have the right to seduce me nor everyone else with everything you say. apparently, i wouldn`t really treat you like this if you`re not becoming an immature person. if you think i`m trying to embarass you or trying to make you sira to everyone, well i`m not. i just wanna see the old you. get me ? you`re soo different now. i`m not saying i didn`t change, but look at the gap between us. you`ve gone up so high. you`re pride is drowning you and you`re not even seeing or feeling it. LOWER YOUR PRIDE, atleast. i don`t really care if you`re keeping all these things to your mind or not, but seriously, i just want you to realize all these things i`m saying. okay, do this one atleast: forget everything you`ve heard me said about you and forget about what people have commented about you, that way, try to picture in your mind what our friendship probably might have been if these things never happened! see ? we probably have been seen each other already and hung out together and such, but in reality, it`s the way opposite around. see what i`m trying to say here ? i want you to change! i know, we know, things have already been said but you know that i forgive and forget. this is what ? our 3rd or 4th fight already ? and what ? did all those first 3 fights make us any better ? THEY DIDN`T, right ? so what`s the point of wasting our salivas talking and nagging on each other ? goshh! i know this is lame. but hell, i can`t take it anymore [; i`m not trying to be nice here for more people to side me because i know that`s what you`re thinking right now. copying me nor any specific person will not make you look better, trust me on that. we are all UNIQUE in our own different ways! we are all beautiful, and stylish and smart and glamourous. Simplicity is beauty (: sometimes, the people who are just really simple and plain are mostly the ones who stand out the most! KEEP THAT IN MIND (: i think i can be a journalist as well. haha jaykay! anyways, yeah, i don`t hold grudges against people, especially if those people have been very special to me so don`t think that i`m embarassing you and all. FINE, BASH me again (: i don`t care anymore! just change! POR FAVOR! you`re not MARA. you`re someone else and it`s scary and ridiculous and lame and horrible and awful and all. REMEMBER: LOWER YOUR PRIDE!
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