Tuesday, November 28, 2006


haha. my mom was soo mad yesterday morning when i told her that i didn't wanna go to school because i wanted to wait for the techician to come to our house and fix my DSL. [haha wow! what a long intro. haha. as usual, she nagged on me again and told me that once i didnt't leave the house, she would cut off my DSL line completely. hahaha! ofcourse i got scared so i told her to just freaking' call the AT&T people and tell them that they suck, BIG TIME. haha! i went to school, and everyone was like freezing to death. gahdd, it was soo cold in the morning. it's as if it was going to snow :| my classes were okay though, almost fell asleep during class but thank god i didn't. hahaha. during Chem, Mrs. Rymer told the class who passed the test last week, and guess what? i was in it. hahaha. only a few of us passed it so everyone else who didn't, have to come tomorrow for tutoring. hahaha! i was soo happy, i almost jumped off my seat. hahaha!

then then then... during lunch, i called my mom to ask for updates about my DSL. she told me that the techician hasn't arrived yet. duude, i was like panicking already! and my mom was soo mad! she told me that she called AT&T three times already and even yelled at the people whom she has talked to :| after that, i knew my DSL wouldn't get fixed anymore.

then when i came home after school, i realized that i didn't have my keys with me so i had to wait for my tita to come to be able to get in. SHIT! thank god it didn't take her long to come so i got inside early. then i went to check my modem and saw that the "red" light on the "DSL" is now green. haha. i was all jumping around when i saw it. my tita was thinking i was crazy, but hell, i was just soo happy. i found a letter on the keyboard and it was my mom saying that my DSL is now okay [haha too late]. i turned on the pc right away and while i got changed, then i went back to the computer and started doing what i've missed for freaking' 5 days! i was really really happy [: i can't even explain how happy i am up until now.

i missed watching PDA 24/7, so now i'm back to my old habit again. hahaha! i don't ever wanna lose my DSL ever again! swear to you, next time i lose it, i would definetly die :|

new layout! hahaha. and new bg song. i finally got to upload Irish's song called "You Move Me".. yay! freaking' love this song to bits. listen to it, yeah? special thanks to Benj for sending me the song and to Trina for converting it to mp3 file. thanks guys! hahaha! Irish all the way!

gotta go. i need to shower and freaking' wash my makeup off my face. my tita has been nagging on me about that since i came home. haha!


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