Thursday, December 21, 2006

please be gone =|

i've been sick for a week now :| and still, my voice isn't yet back to normal. i even got my brother sick, and now, he's at a doctor appointment with my mom. i thought the medicine that my mom bought for me the other day would cure everything soon but it never did. it seems like after i took a few tablets from one of the two different medicines that i have, my voice even got worse. my fever went away already but my cough and cold feel like staying in me for still quite some time. i hate it. Can they just go away? how come it seems like i always get sick each year that Christmas comes? i hate being sick. well, ofcourse everybody does, but hell, whenever i get sick, it takes forever for me to get better. that's why as much as possible, i'm trying to avoid anything that can get me sick. but this time, i didn't notice it coming. please be gone :|

PDA FEVER is still ongoing :| but i miss it way too much. i miss Irish like hell. the only thing that keeps me updated from whatever she's doing now is her one and only KTEXT. sadly, i only depend on my co-Irisholics that got the chance to subscribe to her ktext because I, myself, don't own a cellphone anymore, so there is absolutely no way i can get that ktext update at any time. i'm hearing some news that Irish and Ronnie are now part of Warner and Universal Records. i think it's already confirmed, and hell, i don't know how to express what i feel about it anymore. Thank God she's not part of Star Records because from what i see, they don't take care of their talents as much, and i don't want Irish to be just like the other artists of Star Records that never had the chance to shine. I'm just happy [: I also heard that Alfie Lorenzo is her manager now. WOAAH? are you freaking' serious? like, are you serious? hahahaha! i didn't know he managed anyone else besides Judy Ann Santos. WOAAH! if this is confirmed already, i gotta know, so i can be the happiest person in the this galaxy called Milky way! hahaha. i'm looking forward to seeing Irish in a lot of shows next year [: there's absolutely no way to describe how much i miss Irish, and how much i'm missing her each and every day that flies. yeah, corny, whatever, i'm just idolizing a person with oozing talent, oozing looks, and oozing personality.

i'm making a new multiply account sometime soon [: can't wait to take lots of pictures again with my new camera. hahaha. finally, my dream camera will soon be in my hands. oh baybeeeeeh. i'm bored here :| there's nothing to do besides eat, sleep, go online, watch tv, listen to ipod. that's absolutely how boring my life goes every day, since i'm sick! i'm bored. i'mma do my hair later. hahahaha! and i'm getting my nails done tomorrow, cccchhhhyeeaaahhh!!

friiiiiiends, let's go out after Christmas [: Iris, let's go out. haha. okayyyyyyy, i'll edit laaaturrrr.


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