Monday, January 29, 2007

she will always be loved

okaaay... so like, my post last night was kinda puzzling, I KNOW, but i'm glad that i actually got to express myself through writing it :) haha. it felt so good, cause FINALLY, i got the chance to say the things that i have been keeping in me for so long, and finally, i GOT to LET GO : to let go, meaning, to quit my big obsession for someone. yeah, that's fah'reals :D so like yeah. things are different now, and i like it better this way. "Ate Irish", YES, currently is my inspiration right now. okaaay, let me clear that up for a second. "inspiration" meaning, she brightens up my day, she completes my day, and she never fails to make me smile :) STILL not enough? haha. uhmm. in simpler words, she's like my BIG ROLE MODEL. gahdd, this may sound pathetically weird, but i love love love Ate Irish to bits - [you know what i mean?]. i don't regret supporting her from the very start until now. hayy : call me "obsessed" - i don't care. i'll even actually appreciate it. hahaha. Ate Irish is the most awesomest person in the whole gahdd damn world. need i say more?

i love love love surprises :) no, scratch that out. haha. i love surprises ONLY SOMETIMES :) ONLY when they're worth my time. haha. but in this case, OH HELLS NAH! this is different. i almost died when i saw "it". hahaha. fah'reals though, i was all "tunganga" lang the whole time, from the start until the end. haha. MAN :)) if you still don't get what i'm taking about, just keep on reading :D do you know who Ate Mavis is? uhmm. haha. well, she just got a surprise for me lang naman. haha. actually, it wasn't just a surprise. t'was more like "a surprise and a gift". she was soooo suh-weeeeet i don't even know how to thank her : man, i OWE her a lot. and i mean, A LOT! she has been very nice to me ever since we met. huhu :(( i feel like i should pay her back. but anyways, back to describing her. haha. she was one of those people in the audience who volunteered to sing Hawak Kamay during the Homeboy episode of the Top 6, sometime last week. haha yupp :D wasn't she great? she was, RIGHT?man, i love her :(

"Hawak Kamay..... di kita iiwan sa paglakbay...." hahaha. :))

aaawe. i'm soo jelly :(

she's like Neve :( they have so many pics with Ate Irish :((

and then... dun dun dun... "drum rolls".... watch it watch it :)

whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. here i go again. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. hahaha. i don't know how to react. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. oh my freaking god. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. can someone slap me on the face! whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. please tell me if i'm just dreaming. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. OH MY GODDDDDDD! it's for reals.. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

okaaay, CORNY? haha. damn you. i can't help it. i can't take my smile off my face :) whaaaaaa. i can't believe this is all happening to me. oh my god. she knows who i am. we get to chat when she goes online. she mentioned me on her ktext, and now, she mentioned me again on the video. whaaaaa! huhuhu. i wanna cry :(( i almost did actually, earlier, when i first watched it. FAH'REALS. i saw it like, when i woke up around 430ish to see if she's online because she said she's gonna be online mostly at PM in the Philippines. haha. so there. i saw Ate Mavis' message and said that she has a gift for me. whaaa. at first i thought it was just pictures, you know? or banners or wallpapers, some stuff like that. but i was wrong. definetly wrong. when i saw the link up on the thread, i clicked it right away and i knew t'was something i would be really happy about. and guess what? it really was. whaaaaa. oh my freaking god. i can't believe this :((

damn Ate Irish. you're making me go craaazy :(( STOP thanking me for everything, because in reality, I should be the one to thank you for EVERY SINGLE THING that you've done for us. and i mean, for the inspiration that you've given me and the others as well. you just don't know how happy i get whenever i see you on tv, or whenever someone shares a story about you to me. even the little-est things about you make me smile :) just the thought that you know there is someone out here who is not getting tired of supporting you, already makes me complete as a whole. i love you way too much Ate Irish :(( we may not have seen each other pesonally, yet; but for me, it feels like i'm with you all the single time. you will always be my idol FOR EVER :) i love you Ate Irish :) times infinity :)

hayy! it feels so great when you idolize someone and they actually appreciate what you do for them. NOT ALL celebs are like that, that's why i am soo freaking happy that Ate Irish is my idol. i tell you, i don't regret a thing. "to the left to the left".. haha. i'm sooo happy. can you tell?


hahaha :) Neeeve, we really are FREAKING LUCKY! we can't find any other Ate Irish out there. whatever we do, wherever we go, she'll always be the only Fatima Irish we know. haha :)) walang katulad yan :) nag iisa lang!

YES, we love Ate Irish way tooooo much :D so, SHIT HER NOT, and we'll do just fine :)

YAY! :D haha. Dreams really do come true, i do believe in it now. haha.

VISIT NEVE'S BLOG HERE. :) i tell you, it's always WORTH READING! i swear :) wheee! i love Sundays! haha!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

the rest is still unwritten :|

hey guys :) i haven't blogged for days, i know : the weather has been pretty weird these past few days. it would always be like "super cold in the morning, and super duper HOT by noon".. it's crazzzyy; but i guess i like this kind of weather better than having a freezing weather the whole entire day : anyways, yesterday after school, me and Iris went to BestbBuy just to look for a lithium coin for my camera, but unfortunately, we didn't find any :( since we didn't see one, or any at all, we just headed straight to Mcdonald's and ate. MY TREAT, for sure :D i love Iris. i mean, as a friend :D we can just talk about anything and everything when we're together. from school, to boys, to lovelife, and YES, even to sex. haha. she's soo fun to be with. i can totally see myself in her. we're pretty much together every single day and i'm enjoying every second of it. i've met her not too long ago but it feels like i've known her since birth. haha. i'm soo close to her now, and vice versa. i guess i just really miss hanging out with my cousin who i happened to be my bestfriend as well, that's why i get so stoked when i hang out with Iris :( i just miss having a bestfriend :(

anyways. enough with being emo. haha. i really hate that word, but sometimes, i can just be really emo : err. i don't have a valentine, but i'm inlove with someone. and i mean, DEEPLY! i know it's wrong, because first of all, the guy that i like has a special someone already, but hell, I CAN'T HELP IT. it hurts too much when i see him with her, but i can't stop my feelings for him. INFATUATION, you'll say, but i guess it's something deeper than that. it's confusing i know, but what can i do? it's not like i can tell my heart to stop liking him anytime i want. it's not easy. what's worse is, the guy used to like me too, but the thing is, he never asked me out. he asked for my number, but that was it. shit, i hate this : yesterday, since we had a sub for 6th period, and since all we had to do was watch a movie, and since he only sits behind me, he whispered to me asking if i wanted to chat with him. ofcourse, i said YES. so he placed a desk next to his, and asked me to sit there. ugh. i hate it when he does things that truly make me fall even more in love with him : so there, we talked about THINGS! like past relationships, and stuff. i was even shocked when he opened up to me about his first "you know". he said he regrets it, because the girl totally is a SLUT! yes, i know she is one, because she dated almost every guy i know in school. but oh well. it feels awkward when a guy opens up to you like that. especially when you don't even know what is it that is going on between you two. it's weird, but i'm happy that atleast HE TRUSTS me. he's making me craaazyy! like totally : i won't name him anymore, but let's just put it like this: i know him, he knows me, i'm single, he's taken, he's my friend, i'm his friend.. and i'm more than HAPPY when i talk to him.

watched Pearl Harbor last night and hell was it... uhm, what's the word? . I KNOW, i'm super duper LATE already, BUT mind you, it totally touched my heart. i loved it. Thanks to my History teacher, for teaching us about World War II, because of her, i started loving History and was so intoxicated to watch this film. honestly speaking, i've never really liked History, but when i started learning about what happened back in December 7th, 1941, i started liking learning WWII. the videos that we watch in class are all so touching. this film is soo good. the casts played really really well. i loved the intro, because from that part, i knew, the entire film would be worth watching FOR REALS. i loved loved loved it. t'was hella sad :( but i salute America. i could totally see the hunger on each and everyone's faces that they really wanted to take revenge. to show what they got, and to prove every single person in the world that Americans will always be there for each other. i cried soo many times while watching it :( it really did touch my heart. seeing people dying, seeing people get shoot by unknown people, seeing people drowning, seeing people burning, and seeing people helping each other totally HIT ME. it did, for reals :( i loved this movie. now i guess i understand why my ROTC instructors keep telling us that we don't totally have a single right to wear their uniform. because honestly, we really don't. we haven't proven anything to the world yet. and even though my dream is way far from being in the military, i will forever give respect to the ROTC uniform, and also, to the people who SERVE in the military, because in our hearts; they truly are America's HEROES!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

i love you mom :D

guess who has a cellphone? I DO, I DO! hahaha :)) yay! my mom felt sorry for me na. hahaha. she suspended me from having a cellphone for freaking 5 months. damn. that was freaking' long. haha. but today, when i came home, i was all shocked because she was like, "Oh, here's you're phone". haha. at first i didn't believe her, so i called the number using our house phone and when it started ringing, i was all screaming like a lil girl. haha. i kissed her on the cheeks and said thank you! hahaha. i love her. YAY! it's not new, but it's okay :D it's my mom's old phone because she just got a new one from their company. now, i need to learn how to limit my minutes. if i go over my minutes again, she'll suspend me forever na. haha. i'm gonna use my minutes wisely this time :D haha. she said she'll buy me whatever phone i like once she finds out that i'm using it wisely na. haha. i love you mom :D oh yeah, she was like pala "i'll buy you a new phone now but you won't get a camera na next month". i'm like "no ma, it's fine. haha. i wanna use this phone :D just buy me a camera! hahaha. i'll just wait for the new phone". hahaha. HELL YEAH! i want the Canon Ixus na :D

don't worry ma :D my bills won't go high anymore :D hahaha. just don't take it away from me ever again :D ily!

CALL ME peeeeeps :D SAVE MY # :D it's (619)335-6557. i'm T-Mobile by the way :D if you are, you can call me anytime you want :D it's free. haha. if you aren't, you can call me after 9PM every night :D it's free for all kinds :D haha. and also on Saturdays and Sundays :D wheeee, text me :D it's not free but it doesn't cost much :D my mom has free texts :| she said i can use it if i wanna text people :D haha.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


yeaaboi! she finally showed up! haha :D yupp, i'm talking about this girl who didn't come to school for two straight days. hahaha. Welcome Back Iris :D i missed you, beeyatch! haha. hope you feel better now :D everyone seems to be getting sick :| thank god i only get sick once a year, and it always happens when the year's almost over. haha. anyways, school was alright :D i've been doing REALLY REALLY GOOD in Chemistry :D i've been doing my hw and been getting good grades on them :) i'm still not sure if i'm going to take AP Chem next year though :( i kinda want to take AP Government too :| err, what should i take? i have to decide as soon as possible because next week, we're already going to submit our classes for next school year. err :| i haven't even started reading the packet they gave us! i wanna get out of highschool now :| hahaha. can i just go back to Middle School? it's way easier. haha :)) jaykay! anyhow, after school, me and Iris went to Jack in the Box and ate :D MY TREAT, bebeh :D mommyyyyy, i need money :) hahaha jaykay :D

i took lots of pictures earlier but i forgot to put the memory card in the camera :| how stupid. i'm too laaazy to freaking connect the USB to my computer :| i'm hella not used to it :( err. ooh well :( might go to Best Buy tomorrow to buy a freaking lithium coin for my old digicam :( i miss using that one! i like it better than the new one. err :| i like Canon better than Sony :| mann, i've been wanting to buy that lithium coin but i'm hella freaking' laaaazy :| my mom's hella nice :D she said she might buy me another camera next month. bwahaha. i want a CANON Digital Ixus, man :D haha, i might get it if i get good grades this progress report card :D haha. i'm pretty sure i'll get good grades anyway so i'm hella excited to get my camera. hahaha.

*phone rings* be right back :D

woops! sorry 'bout that :D haha. Iris called :D we talked for about an hour. she broke her digicam! haha. 'cause why the hell would you take pictures inside the bathroom with your hands wet? haha. she was so silly, she was like "man, i took pictures of me, topless". haha. NAUGHTY GIRL :D i guess now i know why it broke :D haha jaykay! i'm going to sleeep early tonight :| i'm doing COLORS tomorrow with ERIZ :| err, freaking' asshole :| i'm gonna look like shit tomorrow, watch!

i'm hungggggggry :( i miss janjan :( man. i complain too much! i wanted to ditch today during lunch but Rhon didn't want to :( she said she likes her 6th period class. hello? it's my favorite class too but i just felt really tired today :| err. FAAAAYE, when's our next ditching day? haha! before intersession, yeah? hahaha. i'm too laazy to do hw :( byeeeee friends :D

LAS VEGAS babeh :D at Hilton Hotel! i miss Vegas :( this picture is old. 2 years ago? damn.

my cute lil brother :D i miss him :( he's prolly having a lot of fun over there with his girlfriend. shizz!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

you must not know bout me :D

YO YO! my name is Nixx and i am hella wick! hahaha =)) i don't know why Colonel was making us write a rap song the other day but he's weird. haha. WOAHH, we got inspected today by the instructors and we were all freaking out. haha! i got inspected by Gunny and i was like soo nervous :| Thank God, he complimented me and said i did a good job. haha. i love drilling :D but not when it's freaking hot. it was soo cold today in the morning, then after lunch, people started sweating. grr. i don't know :| the weather's pretty weird.

i still can't get enough of Sarah's "Irreplaceable" performace last Sunday on ASAP. damn. she did hella good. i kept watching it on youtube earlier. haha. i also watched the original music video with Beyonce in it - and what can i say? damn. they almost sound alike. hahaha. Sarah is a fast learner, can't deny that! she's hella sick - like love it :D haha. i like both versions :D either one i listen to, i can't help but sing along with it. haha. Also, Ate Irish's prod number with Rachel and Sarah was the bomb! everybody liked loved it. whew! i hope she gets THAT MUCH exposure every week :D she's the tightest! haha. man, i don't at all watch ASAP before, but now, it hella rocks my socks!

Iris - where the hell have you been? haha damn. you haven't been attending school since yesterday. err :| i miss you, lil thing :( we need to hang out again. Jollibee with Dj? haha. man, come to school. i've been wanting to call you but i freakin' lost your number. send it to me again ;D come back to school. haha. i sound so stupid now, but damn, please show up tomorrow, yeah?

anyways... went home with Dj today :D he went to my house but my tita was here. haha. she saw him :D blehh! :D i let him borrow some of my brother's dvd's. haha. "you better give those back, asshole". haha jaykay :D [remember the old lady? hahahaha. you're soo mean.]. moving on.... i have tons of hw to do again :| i love Chemistry but i hate doing hw's :( lucky Dj, he has it 6th period. err :| it's okay, 4th is just fine :D by the way, after Dj left, i got a visit from Adette and Alyssa. aawe :( i missed those two girls :( Thank you guys, for visiting me :D haha. i love love love you! Dette, we need to hang out man. prolly Margaritas with Christine? hahaha.

i love Popcorn :D the Kettle one. hahaha. i don't know what it's called but me and my tita are soo obsessed with it. haha. it tastes soo good. err. Thanks Mrs. Rymer, for informing us about it :D hahaha. i love it. i ate a pack earlier, and my tita's about to put another pack in the microwave right now. hahaha. i miss my brother :( i know it's only been a day and a half, but damn :( Junjun [Adette's brother] is also in the camp with him :D they're with 3 other schools around National City, i guess :D haha. jannnn, take lots of pictures :D i wanna see, i wanna see! hahaha.

some pics i took today. i don't know, it was a laaaazy ass day :|

haha uhmm. i was bored, okay ? :D haha. man, should i take AP Chem next year? but i don't think i can handle it though, since i'm taking Physics too. huhu :(( Mrs. Moon was asking me too if i want to take AP Goverment next year and i'm just like "Why do they keep recommending me for freaking' AP classes?" haha.

man :| i always forget to take the flash off. haha :D that was before i took a shower. hmm. la lang :D i was bored. my mom braided my hair this morning for RO :D

Sunday, January 21, 2007

...and she will be loved :)

WOAHH! it's Sunday again :| i love and hate it at the same time. reason? well, i love it because i get to see Ate Irish again on tv and that's what really makes this day exciting, but then again, i loathe hate it because that only means i have school again the next day :| i haven't even done any hw yet, and mind you, i have tons of hw in Chemistry :| that class is totally killing me. Mrs. Rymer told us on Friday those people who are eligible to take AP Chem next year and she hella included me in it :| how the hell am i going to do that when i'm going to take Physics and Pre-Cal at the same time? oh my gahdd, she's hella making me craaazy! i don't even know what the hell i am going to be in the future so i don't really know if i should take it or not :| Chemistry is already a pain in the ass, what more if it's AP Chem? WOAHHH! i'm gonna go craaazy!

on a much brighter and lighter note [haha], i can sleepover at anybody's house this week because my younger brother's gonna be gone for 5 straight days for his school camp, so ofcourse, i should have fun and leave the house too. haha. hmm. le'me think about that! hahaha. btw, Iris called yesterday and asked me if i wanted to hang out but i said NO :( ofcourse, i had my reason! i really wanted to leave the house but my body was saying NO since i just barely got my monthly visit this Friday :| t'was laaame 'cause my whole body was hurting like freaking hell :| but there's something i should be happy about though :D Thank God i got it. haha :))

... so like, there's this one guy, and he kinda has my heart. hahaha LAAAME! that's a quote btw, so don't take it seriously :D haha. i don't have a valentine :| is that sad? haha. ooh well! i have my friends, so they're going to be my boyfriends this year :D hahaha laame! PS. no ferrero rochers please :) i'm sick of those :| balloons will truly make me happy :D

aawe :( i've been watching The Notebook vids on Youtube earlier and some Music Videos of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. damn, they're freaking hot! the music videos hella made me cry :( i loooove that movie to death. i tell you, the best romantic movie ever created! nothing can beat The Notebook. i've watched it TOO MANY times already but i still find myself crying on each scene whenever i watch it :( it's totally theee best! i love love love Rachel McAdams! i wish i can find someone as good and as gentleman as Ryan Gosling [i meant, Noah]. i'm falling inlove with him :*) i looooove The Notebook! i'll probably watch it tomorrow with Iris at her house :D i'll bring my own DVD to school :)

new bg song btw :D and new bg image :D it's from my favorite song "She will be loved". duhh? haha. i've been singing and loving that song ever since i was born. haha!

here's the best music video ever created :D i love it.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

going random...

hey guys :D i know i promised to blog yesterday but i was too tired when i came home, so i ended up turning off the pc suuper early and slept. haha. nevertheless, t'was a fun day. haha. after school, i hung out with DJ and Iris :D t'was a triple date. haha jaykay. first, i suggested to eat at Jollibee koz i was starving to death already, haha, so we went there and ordered chicken, rice, fries and soda. haha. we all ordered the same. haha. and *ehem*, i treated SOMEONE! hahaha! so like, we were there for about an hour i believe, then we headed to this one Filipino Video store to turn in the videos that Iris rented the day before. haha. freaky thing was, when we were on the sidewalk outside the store, DJ saw a dead cat laying on the floor and when i saw it, i hella freaked out. gahdd. i haaaate cats. they always make me wanna vomit. eew. hahaha. anyways, after that, we went home :D we were gonna go to Starbucks and visit some friends in Chowking but it was already dark and Iris might get in trouble, so we just went home. t'was a fun day though :D Thanks Dj. Thanks Iris :D love you both!

ooh yeah. "HURRY UP, MAN". haha inside joke. funny ass shit. and the girl in this one Filipino Store. haha Me: "DJ, look, she's looking at you". DJ: "she's ugly". hahaha shit. that's some mad stuff right there. haha. and then i was kinda making fun of the girl's super pouty lips, i was copying it, and when i turned around, i saw her mom looking at me. haha fudddge, i was like soo ashamed of myself. hahaha. freaking DJ! hahaha.

so today, i woke up around 9ish because my mom was doing something and t'was freaking loud. turns out, she was fixing my brother's stuff pala for his 5-day 6th grade camp. gahddd. i'mma miss my brother :| i hate not seeing him for days. it's bugging me. ooh well. i know he's gonna have tons of fun over there! i wish he could bring a camera or a video cam, but they can't. hahaha. too bad, so sad :|

my tita was teaching me how to cook earlier, but i got soo tired watching. haha. i wonder what got me tired when i didn't even do anything at all. hahaha. so like yeah, i didn't actually learn anything. hahaha. t'was a fun experience though. hahaha! i'm soo retarded. so uhmm. for dinner? hmm. i had carne asada fries and rolled tacos. YUMM! t'was soo good. haha. MY TREAT again, man! i'm broke now. haha jaykay! i spent a total of 67 dollars this past two weeks. oh my freaking god, that was freaking SOO MUCHH MONEY! i hate being nice :| haha. damn. a total of 67 dollars on Chowking, Starbucks, Jollibee and Mexican Food? damn, good thing t'was all food, so it was kinda worth the pay. hahaha. man, i don't even have a job yet and i already spend this much. the hell? what more when i start working? haha.

some old ass pics :D

Me and Jho [aka Ninang] at Chuck E. Cheese's. haha! i looove that DDR thing. t'was confusing though koz it was hella different from the normal one. hahaha! i guess this was around September-ish :D

hahaha. Grade Level Assembly :D we had to represent our class. haha! 08 baby :D screw the rest. haha jaykay! t'was a fun day. damn. look at my hair! wheeeee.. that was 3 months ago. it's hella longer now :D YAY! i love love love my hair. hahaha!

we crashed a kid's party. haha jaykay :D i'm the one at the very right :D wearing a white cap. haha! after that, went to Woodman to an adult's partayy! haha. i got HIGH! haha. there were soo many guys :D but i already know them all :| SUCKS! Joone took my hat and he said it was arbor na. shit. haha. i need your freaking jersey, asshole :D

kids. haha! i was just feeling it :D

my aviators equals looooove :D

Thursday, January 18, 2007

shizzzzzzzzznit :|

i'm toooo lazy to blog :| i swear, i will, tomorrow :D it's friday! YAYYY!

i love you Ate Irish!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

dun dun dun....



Tuesday, January 16, 2007

lazy Tuesday :|

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, Dear Ate Vida... Happy Birthday to you". Happy Birthday Ate :D haha. you're nineteen [19] now. shizznit, you're almost legal. haha. 2 more years for you, bebeh :D hahaha! well, i wish you nothing but good health and never ending happiness! I loooove you :D thanks for everything!

i didn't go to school today :| i woke up at like 530ish, but then i got sooper lazy to get up, so i was like "man, forget this, i'm going back to sleep". haha yupp, i really said that to myself. so like yeah, my mom woke me up again at around 630ish but i didn't listen to her. haha! she wasn't mad though, well, maybe she was, but, what can she do? haha jaykay! i love my mommy. it's just that, i was too laazy today! haha. yeah, call me a lazy bum. i'd love to hear that! hahaha. so... i wonder what happened in my classes! hahaha. i need to write an excuse note for the freaking' attendance office tomorrow. i badly need it, for i don't wanna go to Saturday School :| well, that's EXAGGE! haha but i'll still write one, just to make sure :D i miss school already. NOT! :D

The Hills Season 2 started last night. did you watch it? i didn't get to :| i don't know why i didn't get to watch, but whatever.. i'll watch the replay instead. i'm sure they'll show it one of these days. or i can also watch it online :D haha. thing is, i like it better on tv. talking about better quality. hahaha! can't wait for Laguna Beach Season 4.. shizzzz! this summer, bebeh :D

i'm still overwhelmed about what happened yesterday around 9 in the morning until 12. err :| too bad, soo sad, i don't know where the whole conversation went :| i'm sooo mad! but oh well, i'll talk about it more next time. i'm just really disappointed in myself right now :| err!

i'm going to school tomorrow, definetly. or else, my mom's gonna kill me already! haha. she might cut my DSL off again, and i don't want that :| i'll kill myself if that happens :| internet is my life. LAAATERS :D i got sooo many hw to do :| Chemistry is killing me.. plus, US History too.

it's my daddy's birthday today :D well, in the Philippines, it's already the 17th, right? aawe! i miss him tons.

i love you Ate Irish :D you're theeeee best!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

just another day.

i woke up today at like 11 something. haha :D atleast it wasn't that late. bwahaha! i watched ASAP at 12, and i saw Ate Irish again. wheeew! i was soo excited to see her perform. hahaha. she sang one of my favorite songs called "Because of You" by Kelly Clarkson and i hella loved it :) i almost cried ='( it's the song i was singing in the plane when i went to the Philippines and when i came back here ='( i just looove it. i can totally relate to it. that was the other one i requested for her to sing during one of PDA's Expulsion Nights, along with the song "Reflection" but she ended up singing "Hiram". it was okay though :D i got so shocked when i heard her singing it earlier. i almost cried, fah'reals. after that, i kept watching it on Youtube and on ABS-CBN Now ='( i can't get enough of it, so now, it's my new background song here :) and my new background image too. *sigh* i wonder what's in that song that makes me cry whenever i hear it.

and then.... she played the violin! WOAAAHH! i was soo amazed. i haven't seen her played in such a looong time. she was soo good. i must admit, the whole 6 of 'em did kinda mess up, but their instruments pulled it off. haha. t'was a superb. i kept watching it earlier too. hahaha. i love Ate Irish :D i still can't believe she actually mentioned ME on her ktext. oh my gahdd.. haha. i really felt soo special for a day. hahaha! i love love love Ate Irish. it's funny how everyone i know keeps congratulating me for having mentioned on the ktext. haha. i'm soo lucky!

moving on... to the other side of me.. i've changed a lot. even my mom noticed it too. i don't know if i changed for the better, or for the worse though. this year started off pretty messed up for me. i just hated it, but i'm trying to atleast HAVE FUN now. i'm trying to be a better person, but it seems like i'm getting weaker and weaker each day :| it's not good.. and it's killing me :|

i'm not happy anymore :| i'm sorry! i wanna be free.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

surprises :p

WHEW! new layout :D i still like the old one though! haha. well, maybe i can put it back when i get tired with this one :D NEW SONG, that is :D anyways, first week back to school was pretty hectic. my schedule didn't even change, except for 2nd period. i had tons of hw to do everyday and it was exhausting. Chemistry is getting harder and harder each day, and i feel like i'm about to expload soon. haha jaykay! Mrs. Rymer is getting nicer though :D which is a good thing. hahaha. good thing we don't have school on Monday [Martin Luther King's Day], so i have tons of time to do my hw. YAY! i'm going to sleep a lot tonight, tomorrow, and on Monday! haha. but ofcourse, i'm going to study too :D toldja, i'm such a good student now :D hahaha. i love school! i love learning! i hate homeworks, but they keep me motivated!

was going to watch Step Up [i know, how late, right?] with Teressa and Iris on Thursday, but it didn't push through ='( oh well, maybe, we can watch it some other time :D when all of us aren't that very busy with life. haha. i am soo looking forward to going ice skating with them though :D i really hope it'll push through. i've never skated before, that's why i am so eager to see how it feels like. haha. anyways, Jollibee on Wednesday? haha. who wants to come? i so missed Jollibee. haha!

i'm thinking of having a private blog, where i can write all the things that i can't write in here. but then, i know that if i make one, i won't even be able to keep it private, because i cannot take not telling it to somebody, and to everybody later on. haha. so yeah, i'm really confused. but whatever, i'm happy with blogger :D

my life is so full of surprises :D last night, when i came home, i got a private message from Ate Paris, telling me that Ate Irish visited the site that i made for her. at first i was like "Are you serious?". haha. it's not like i was doubting, but i just wanted to make sure. haha. so i checked the site right away and i saw Ate Irish's message on the tag-board. aawe. after that, i still felt that it could be anybody else using her name, so i went to her myspace right away and i was so shocked with what i saw. haha. from her headline, to her about me, to her who i'd like to meet, to her interests, to her fave movies, to everything, "" was written on it. i was just like "HUWOAAAAHH". hahaha fah'reals, it was soo unexpected. i was all screaming my lungs out. she even put some pictures from the site and put 'em on her page! it was really really pleasing. i viewed her pictures after, and i saw tons of pictures that she got from the site. aaaaawe! i kept on screaming like a crazy person. hahaha. i was just soo happy! so then, i messaged her right away and thanked her for visiting the site and for dropping a message. it really made my day ='( i even got so teary-eyed while reading her message for me. aawe! i couldn't believe how those two sentence message can make me go teary-eyed. haha! i was soo overwhelmed ='( huhuh. even if we haven't seen each other in person yet, atleast now i know she knows who i am. hahaha!

and that doesn't end there yet. haha. earlier, while i was soo busy changing my layout here, i checked the site again, for just a little while, just to see if someone new tagged on the tagboard, and i saw Ate Mina's message saying that MY name and Ate Paris' were mentioned on Ate Irish's ktext. i was just like, "WHAAAAT?". haha. so i went to our Online Thread right away and i saw Ate Irish's new Ktext message.. whaaaaaa. i was going craaaazy while reading it.. can you imagine "someone known in showbiz" greeting you personally on their ktext? that is sooo craaaazy! that rarely happens, fah'reals, and i just don't know how to react until now.. huhu. it was soo craaaazy!! but hell, i was so freaking' happy i couldn't stop jumping earlier. hahaha.. here's what the ktext said:

IRISH [01/14/07 10:15 AM]: So my day started late today. i spent most of the night and morning at the internetcafe checking my myspace and responded to my friends and fans. i ran into a webpage that was made by NIXXX at there you can see many pictures of me and videos from the show and there are even some baby pictures of me. it was so exciting to see. i didn't go home until 4 am because i got stuck on it.what a feeling. i'm trying to respond to everyone as much and as fast as i can. i was also chatting with a girl from myspace named PARIS. she was the one who told me about th---- [cut]

it got cut, but oh well, i am still the happiest person alive.. whaaaaa... did she really mention my name? can you please double check? hahaha. damn, it's soo craaazzy! she was in the site for more than 4 hours. ohmyfreaking.... whaaaaaa! i feel soo appreciated. huhu ='( i guess she was watching the videos that i recorded when she was still in the house that's why she was enjoying it too much. hahaha. i'm soo happy that my hardwork pays off. i can't freaking believe this. hahaha. "i didn't go home until 4 am because i got stuck on it." that is just soo unexplainable. gahdd. i don't know what to say. i don't know how to react. whaaaaa! i'm hella overwhelmed until now.. i love her soo much ='( i promise i'll always keep the site updated :D and i promise that she'll be MY idol until the end.. no lies :D i know this is fah'reals. hahaha. Thank You Ate Irish. whaaaaa! you make my life worth living. EXAGGE? i don't hella care. i'm soo freaking blessed i have an idol like her. she even know who i am. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! i can't wait to see her. i am really looking forward to seeing her soon. i don't know what's to happen when i see her, but whatever happens, i know i will NEVER forget it :D

Friday, January 12, 2007

tired =(

i'm tired and sleepy :| my whole body hurts, but i know this is just temporary. i'll get my energy back tomorrow :D


Thursday, January 11, 2007

cold Thursday :|

t'was my cousin's birthday yesterday, and i forgot to greet her :| Sorry 'cuz :D Happy one day late Birthday! i love and miss you soo much!! i'll be seeing you again, soon :D i love you i love you i love you!!! Regards to everybody :D

so like... it's soo freaking cold today and i'm not even kidding. even though i'm inside already, i still feel the weather outside.. whaaaaa :| they said it is going to rain tonight and tomorrow.. damn, what a wrong timing :| i hate this kind of weather.. it makes me sleepy :| today, i was like falling asleep in freaking' 3rd period.. not only the AC was on but the door was fucking' open too.. shit man, i sit super close to the door :| i was like freezing to death while falling asleep :|

i woke up today at 6:30 again :| yupp, i was rushing soo bad that's why i looked like shit again. ooh well :| Starbucks with friends yesterday was fun :| ofcourse, i treated Iris and Tere, and myself. hahaha! i'm soo nice :D Thanks for the card, mom! hahaha. if only Faye, Anne, and Paolo came in early, i would have treated them too. haha.

i wish you were here :| shit man, it was my bad hair day today! i told you i looked like shit.. i woke up fucking' late that's why :|

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

the return of the come back. Lol.

hey there! i've been gone for quite a long time. sorry 'bout that :D we came back to school last Monday and they kinda messed up my schedule ='( i don't like it. but oh well, my counselor called me out of class yesterday and she told me shit. hahaha. jaykay! she was nice to me yesterday :D

it was freaking cold this morning ='( i was freezing to death.. hehe!! Chris went to our bench and sat next to me :D nothing really, we just talked and he made me listen to this one song in his iPod. haha! he has a girlfriend, dude :D then like, when we were listening to his iPod, his girlfriend's friend saw us and she kinda gave me a look.. WTF? haha. so there, i didn't want them to think that i was flirting with Chris, so i stopped listening to the music and went to the lockers. hahaha!

then, during nutrition break, Jayson and Dan went to our bench too :D haha. damn man, why is everybody going to our bench? hahaha!! then at lunch, Jay, Dan, and Anthony were there na pala. hahaha. i talked to Jay and i told him something :D yupp, it's our Secret! hahaha.. *ssshhh*

then, after school, i went to Chowking with Teressa and Iris just to hang out. almost all my friends have work every day so i hate them because we don't get to hang out anymore ='( but oh well. atleast Teressa was off today :D so there, we ate at Chowking and went to Starbucks after because it's just right next to Chowking. hahahaha!!! then then then, guess what? Faye, Anne and Paolo came. haha so there were 6 of us there. hahaha! t'was fun!! they were loud! Paolo was going gago! hahaha.. basta, it was fun!!! then we took lots of pictures :D then yeah... haha. went home around 6ish. FUCKINGSHIT! hahaha. tomorrow, dvd marathon with them again :D

my post sounds so lame.. sorry 'bout that!! i'm kinda laaaazy to talk a lot right now. hahaha!! here comes some pics :D

lady: ok, so what's your name?
Me: Irish :D
lady: can you spell it out for me?
Me: okay. it's I-R-I-S-H
lady: ooh.. nice name..
Me: laughing.. hahaha!!


we were doing the FLAMES thingy!! hahaha.. Anne tested mine with some guys, and Lee ofcourse, but the results were ugly. hahaha!

ayan sige!! Lee, wala daw pag asa. hahaha!

yeah! what the words said :D my hair's long :D

hate me? hate you more :D

love you, adiks :D

Paolo, ikaw lang naiba! hahaha!





even in class. hahahaha!! last year :D

Friday, January 05, 2007

it can't be insomnia...

damn, it's already 5:41 in the morning and i still haven't slept. WOAHH! i will, after this already, because my hands hella froze =)) hahaha. i always wonder why my hands get so cold when i stay on the computer for a long time. haha. does it happen to you as well ? crazy, huh ? right now i'm wearing my gloves. hahaha =)) i fixed my friendster and my freaking' myspace earlier. damn, how bored was i ? anyways, i'mma sleep now. my bags under my eyes are hella huge. yikes! i hope i wake up before 3 o'clock this time. hahaha.

*//edit [4:42PM]

err. damnit. i woke up today at exactly 3:26PM. shizz, it keeps getting late every effing day. hahaha. 2 more days and i'm hella going back to school. YAY! i'm excited yet nervous. well, let's just wait 'til Monday! anyways, my mom and my tita are in Starbucks right now. succkers! haha. i just told them to bring me home some Chowking food. haha. "tosilog" baybeeeh. haha. tomorrow, i'm going out with my mother and auntie to eat at iHop! yeah baybeeeeh. then prolly go to Fashion Plaza to get some clothes since mom said we can't go to the mall until next week. errr. then go to Walmart after, to get some school supplies. haha errr. i sound like a kid. haha but whatever. i'm only getting a thin ass binder, a college ruled notebook for Math, and a set of Zebra mechanical pencil. there, after that, i'm ready for Monday! hahahah. i don't know what to wear though. i mean, is it going to be cold then hot ? or is it going to be cold the whole day ? errr. WEATHER[dot]COM, here i come. hahaha.

i'm watching the last cycle/season of America's Next Top Model right now :D i still think Tyra Banks looks like Mandy Moore. hahaha. don't chu think ? hahaha. i envy some of the models though :| i love how they effing walk. shit, i wanna learn that. hahaha. it's funny because way way back, when i was i think 14 or 15, i told my mom that i wanted to be a model in the future. haha and guess what she said ? she goes: "your dream is too low". hahah. i don't think being a model is a bad thing. you know ? you still earn and get money from it no matter what. but then i realized, modelling is just temporary :D so yeah. i don't hella know what i want to be in the future anymore. i've no idea. PEKSMAN. hahahah! i need some major help on that! i don't wanna talk to my Counselor :| i don't know what she thinks of me but she hates me too much. haha. what the hell's her problem ?

eyy, i saw on the commercial on TFC today when i woke up that Heart and John will be on Your Song this Sunday ? WOAAAHHHH!! are you freaking serious ? hahahaha. i wanna see it, i wanna see it, i wanna see it. hahahaha. is that the one with Jay-R's song in it ? 'cause i didn't hear any song earlier. haha. or maybe i did, but i didn't pay attention to it because my eyes were glued on Heart and John. hahaha. whatever, i think the song's called "May Tama Din Ako" by Jay-R. hhmm, i wonder what's going to happen in that story. hahahaha. i'm excited. haha. it's good to see the both of 'em together in one show again. YAY! eyy, how does that song go ? "muling ibalik....." whahaha, okay STOP! haha.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

mega marathon...

WOAAAH! how is everybody doing ? hehe. as for me, i'm doing just great. school starts pretty soon and i kinda am excited about seeing everybody again. haha! but then ofcourse, the tension's still there. but whatever! i'm just really gonna try hard and be a better person/student this year :D

... so like, i've been sleeping really late and been waking up really late this past few days/nights. hahaha. yesternight [huh? haha is there such word?] i went to bed around 6 in the morning and woke up at 3:30 in the afternoon the next day. haha. last night, actually this morning, i logged out at 4:30AM but didn't go to bed until 5. woaahh! then i woke up today at 3 something in the afternoon. shizzzz. and yes, you can call me a vampire! hahaha kidding :D

there's an 81 hour Mega Marathon of America's Next Top Model going on on VH1 and i've been watching it since last night! hahaha. it's pretty fun :D i'm actually still watching it until now. i think i'm watching Season 4 right now. hahaha. i don't know but i finished watching several seasons last night. YAY! i love this show.

as you can see, i really am soo bored right now and i don't know what else to talk about. blahblahblah.. i'll try not to sleep tomorrow morning because i've got some things planned out for myself to do :D hahaha. so yeah! hope you have a good night :D

got this from myspace. teehee. i think it's all true :D


Drop dead gorgeous!!!Attractive personality.Very! sexy.Affectionate & Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.Chatterbox! Loves to talk alot! Loves to get their way! . Unbelievable kisser! Easily angered. Very stubborn in the most way possible! Loves to get noticed! Willing to take risks for others. Makes good choices. Has a great fashion sense! Maybe a little too popular with others * wink wink*. Outgoing and crazy at times! Intelligent. Can sometimes be a heartbreaker! Can love as much as possible! Hates insults. Loves compliments! A very big flirt! Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. The best in bed out of ANY of these months!! Hardly shows emotions. Tends to bottle up feelings. Observant and assesses others.likes to keep theyre crushes kinda secret.pretty much flawless.

yeaaaaaaaboi :D

Monday, January 01, 2007

welcome 2007!

how was your New Year's Eve ? mine was boring, but whatever. i went to bed around 5ish in the morning. Why ? well, i was reading tagalog quotes the whole night. hahaha. hey, it was fun! hmm. it's year of the piggy, right ? so, does that mean, i am going to be fatter this year ? hell freaking' NO! hahahaha. anyway, i don't have new year's resolutions anymore. haha. i don't even stick to them, so why try it, right ?

i felt so sick earlier :| my head was hurting soo bad. so yeah, i woke up around 2 in the afternoon. i was with my mom at home, but minutes later, she left to go to a party with her friends. errr. so, i was left alone again. i went online and my head started to hurt. so like, after a few minutes, i went to the couch and slept. my head was still hurting, so when i woke up around 6ish [take note, i was still alone], i went to the room to look for some pills :| unfortunately, i couldn't find where my mom put them at. err. so i went to the bathroom and saw a bottle, but then, i remembered what my mom told me a few weeks ago that those are already expired. err, so there. i just drank lots and lots of water and watched tv. hihi. Thank God, my head's okay now. haha.

i'm kinda excited to go back to school next Monday. YAY! it's the start of 2nd semester, so i'll have different classmates in each class again. haha. well, most probably :D i miss everyone! but you know ? when i'm at school, i get bored easily :D especially in the morning, i always feel grumpy and all. errr. how is that ?

a lot of people i know are celebrating their birthday this month. WHEEEE! my birthday's in like 2 months :D i'll be turning seventeen. can you believe that ? when i went here, i was like so young and shy. haha. but look at me now ? hahah what the hell happened ?

duuude, i can't wait until May. err :| few more months. haha! PI baby, wait for me :D uyy, you know those dudes who come outa nowhere when you're getting your luggages at the counter? hahaha. they're soo kulit. hahaha. i don't like our airport [especially the outside], but i do love the flight area place thing, or whatever you call it :D it's like the airport in Korea. haha! i remember, when we had a stop over in Korea, me and my mom couldn't believe how beautiful their airport was. damn person, for reals', you must see it. hahaha! it's soo clean, and fresh, and soo quiet. then "BOOM", when i came out of the plane in NAIA, it was soooooooo freaking' hot. then uhm, the stewardess or whatever you call those people who greet you when you come out of the plane hella made me even more excited to see my relatives. when we came out, they were all like "MABUHAY! NANDITO NA PO KAYO SA PILIPINAS".. i was like "shit, is this real?" haha. it was unforgettable. then when we got to the luggage area, there were soooo many people. i almost got crazy. haha but out of my excitement to see my cousins outside, hell, i still got to handle everything. haha. when we got outside, it was as if there was a rally. haha. it was funny :D we were looking for my cousins but the people were soo crazy, and it was scary to come close to them =)) some of them were like holding banners with the names of the people they're waiting for to come out and i just found it soo cute. i felt so weird standing there looking for my cousins. hahaha! then after probably 5 minutes, they finally saw us :D hahaha it was soo crazy! so there, we went to the car, saw my cousins. whaaaa. my mom got so emotional [well, who wouldn't, right?]. she started crying when she saw my youngest brother. gahdd! it was so unforgettable. they made my brother believe that the one who's coming home was my grandpa, so he never knew it until he saw my mom. whaaaaaaa. then yeah, even if i was too exhausted from our 16 hour flight + few hours of stop over, i just kept on talking and talking inside the car for the whole 2 hours! haha. it was soo much FUN!

i just can't wait to see everyone back home again! wheeeeeeeeeeeee! i'm too excited, can you tell ? hahaha.

us at Mt. Laguna :D March 2006. the week before we left for the Philippines. hehehe!

Uncle, Me, Tita, Jan and Meg :D

i looked like shit. haha! jan's cute :D as always.

Meg and my brother.. wth, she was torturing my brother. haha!

haha euw Jan :D his shirt, man. hahaha! jan's a pimp :D

the beautiful environment :D

plane tickets.. aawe, i so want them right now :D

Korean Air :D i was in Korea na there. that's the plane we rode in :D this was i think around 5-6 PM. shizz, it was freaking cold over there. hahahaha.

inside :D i loved the show we were watching on the screen. haha. it made me cry ='(

in Bataan na :D first day :D that's my two favorite cousins since birth :D damn, they grew up soo fast ='(

my cousin/bestfriend/Ayen's graduation :D we sleptover at her friend's house. wahaha. i got so drunk there, and hell, i never even knew who owns the house we were in, until Ayen introduced me to her. haha. we got so wild the whole night! didn't even sleep. well, minsan lang yan eh. hahahaha.

look at Aldrin and my cousin! *ehem* mga lasing na kayo! hahaha.

i told you i've gone wild.. me and Ralph at the back. whoever took that picture.. ERR! haha. we were lashing na there. we didn't know what we were doing anymore :| whatever we were doing at the back, i was drunk! hahaha. and look at my cousin's eyes. gahddd. hahaha.

he was looking for his girlfriend. hahaha!

i love him. i love him. i love him. [on our way to SM Pampanga], the nearest SM in Bataan!

our bunso :D i love and miss you!

psst, pogi. hahaha!
Me: copy tito moymoy's smile.
Him: *smiles and copies it.
hahaha. it was soo funny!

outside :D i saw Hearty's billboard next to it :D

wheeee! i rode a tricycle :D t'was soo cool.

parking lot outside NAIA ='( huhuh. our last day! *sad sad sad!

mom and Hero Lewis :D last day ='( mom didn't let my brother come, 'cause she didn't wanna cry more ='(

going back to the States ='( bored in the plane.

it looks like heaven! hahaha pssh, i don't even know how heaven looks like... the clouds looked soo fake though.. but they were moving. haha duh!

my anti-sleep. haha coffee :D Korean Style.

mom, jan, and i :D in LA. the day we came back. woohoo! jan was soo excited to see us. hahaha! i looked so exhausted ='( look at the eyebags! hahahaha. taken using my old phone :D my camera died a few minutes after we went inside the plane. errr.

the rest are in my multiply. yeah, they've been there since forever. hahaha! i also uploaded Christmas Eve's pictures :D it's all me :D hahaha. if you don't have multiply, YOU SUCK! haha kidding :D I MISS PI!