Saturday, March 31, 2007

haha. it`s funny how every time i chat with the guys, they always ask me if i have a new boy already. haha. shit, do you guys really have to ask me that ? hahaha. it`s not like i have to, like have to have a new one each time i chat with any of yall. haha :)) but uhmm. idk. guys are craaaazy ! earlier, i was chatting with Marky and he was soo. uhmm. straight forward. idk. he was saying all these things to me like, what if i just barely met him. would i go out with him and stuff ? ahaha. that`s exactly what i`m trying to say. i don`t go out with guys i become close friends with. i just can`t stand it. especially right after Raymond admitted that.. yeah. i just loathe it. i haaate guys like that.. i mean, if you`re gonna be friends with me, just be it. don`t be like "i become friends with you because i want to ask you out in the end". ugh. it just turns me off, ferreals, so don`t even dare do that with me. haha :)) so yeah, i`ve been talking to like 5 different guys these past few days/weeks, and i think it`s just soo wrong. ugh :| they`re all okayy, but God knows i only like one of em. ugh :| not because i like him ever since, but because he`s different from every guy i know. ugh :| can i just die ? haha.

hehe. wow ! don`t chu just love those guys who are not afraid to tell you how they feel ? :)) i feel like i`m soo mean. i don`t know, but... ugh :| i`m hating life right now. i don`t wanna fall in love anymore. ahahaha :)) is that even right to say ? i mean, how can`t you ever fall in love with someone you`re deeply in love with. haha :)) shit. i`m soo not making sense. but yeah. i feel like uhmm, i`m soo mean. didn`t i just say that ? but with Marky though, i already knew he liked me ever since, but i wasn`t just showing, because he`s close friends with Chris, and i don`t want him to know that i actually like his friend. damn. i don`t know. i`m soo mean, but i`m not even doing anything.

i just wanna live a simple life, where guys just don`t actually exist, so that we can live happily ever after :)) haha.

holy shit. ugh ugh :| nooooooooo. God. stop it. this is wrong. i don`t want this.

byeee Marky, Chris, Jaycee, Joone, Raymond. haha shit :))

i wasn`t able to blog about this yesterday, so here it is :) yesterday morning, after i took a warm shower and got changed, my mom called out my name and asked me to go outside, and to my surprise, there was a tall guy holding a brown envelope standing in front of our main door. haha :)) so i was like, "uhh, hey ! " haha :)) then he handed me this long brown envelope thingy and asked me to sign the paper thingy. so after i signed it, i closed the door and sat on the couch :)) i looked on the back side of the envelope and to my surprise, again, it was from Ateh Reg ! omfg. haha. i was so excited to see the inside of it, so i tore it up right away. haha. and, to my surprise, again, for the third time, it was a copy of the PDA Mag and the other one was the MYX Mag thingy. haha. YAY ! i was too excited, again, to take it out of the covered plastic, so i took out the PDA Mag first and looked through it. haha. wheee ! what can i say ? Ateh Irish is jusssst theeee best, and i finally got my own copy ! YAY ! i lalalalala love it. hahaha. the other mag has Yael on the cover, and omg, after i saw it, i was just like "omg, mom, he`s just too hott". haha :)) my mom was like "let me see it". haha :))

the back side :) i lalalala love the lil butterfly stamps on there. haha :))

aawe ! Ateh Reg, thank you so so much ! gahdd, i don`t even know how to thank you for giving me these two special magazines that i`ve been longing to have since i don`t even know when anymore. ughh :| ! hahaha. Thanks for even taking the time to find em on sale. hahaha ! i lalalala love em soo much. i know you`ve been wondering where these magazines went, but now, you don`t have to worry anymore :) Thank You so so so much ! hahaha. i don`t know what else to say, but you are soo making me feel soo special. haha. what`s up with all the "so`s" ? haha. i lalalala love you Ateh Reg :) hope i can talk to you, even through the voice chat thing, so i can express to you how much i really loved your present for me :) i love you !

i don`t really like girls who are like..... ugh :| FORGET IT ! cause like, there`s this one girl.. and like...

man, i can`t continue it anymore :| i haaate that habit of mine. and that`s what Chris is whining about, too :| he says, i always come up with things to say, but i don`t even finish em up. ugh :| i don`t know. i haaate it, too. but like.. i don`t know :|

Friday, March 30, 2007


PURE NONSENSE, that`s why :)

he`s just not worth my tears anymore :|
hey there ! how`s you ? haha. i`m all good :) haha. wasn`t able to blog last night cause i was too exhausted after i came home. haha :)) ended up sleeping at 12 somethin, and i think, that was just too early. haha :)) but anyways, my day was greeeeat cause aside from being able to go out again, something happened. haha :)) whew ! i don`t even know where to start. haha. but yeeeaahh ! chill people, chill :)

got ready around 2 because someone *ehem Jaycee ehem* told me that they were gonna pick me up at 3. so then, when i got done, Karl sent me a message on YM telling me that they weren`t gonna pick me up until 3 something because Jaycee still hasn`t showered. ugh :| so there, i just called Teressa up and asked her to pick me up, since i really really wanted to leave this house already. haha. YAY ! thanks Teressa. you`re theee bomb ! haha. so there, she picked me up around 3:3oish, and when i was in the car already, i tried to call Ninang to see if she`s still coming with us, but she wouldn`t answer her phone :| so instead of going to her house to fetch her, we just went straight to Teressa`s house :) so there, just said "hi" to uncle and auntie [Teressa`s parents] and stayed in her room for a couple of minutes because Karl called later on to tell us that he`s already outside. haha :)) so there, got picked up by him and he almost got lost finding us. haha. then yeah, headed to Jaycee`s house after and waited for Joyce and Marco and Kevin. and then, we left :) i was in Karl`s car with Teressa and Jaycee, while Joycee and Marco were in Kevin`s. haha. i wanted to invite more people because there were like a few seats available, but nevermind. i didn`t wanna wait anymore. hahaha. so uhm, what can i say ? driving along freeway with the car`s windows open is just theeee best ! haha :)) so uhm, yeah, we went to the bowling place at Chula Vista. i forgot what the place`s called cause i`ve never been there before :)) haha. we always go to the one in 32nd street, that`s why :) and sometimes, in Mira Mesa, when i`m with my Uncle, cause that`s his favorite sport. haha :)) sport ? uhmm. whatever. so yeah, let`s not talk about my Uncle, kayy ? hahaha. the boys payed for our shoes, and game ! haha ! then, then, let the game begin ! hahaha. i hit 2nd :) and yeah. that lasted for about an hour and a half. haha. i was 4th place :)) t`was Karl, Joycee, Teressa, Me, Jaycee, Marco and Kevin. haha :)) t`was boys vs. girls, so since the boys lost, they had to treat us dinner. haha :)) which didn`t happen eventually, becuase we all paid. haha :)) so there, after bowling, went to Mandarin Resto to eat. fun, fun, fun. after we ate, which was around 7ish, we drove to Eastlake and went to this oh soo bee-yoo-tee-ful park. haha. t`was soo pretty. ugh. i love Eastlake. i mean. it`s just theee best ! the school, the park, the place, the malls, and everything. haha. so yeah, walked around for a few minutes, then stayed at this one place :)) haha. yeah. and then, when we got tired, and started getting cold, went back to the car and drove to Kevin`s oh -soo-gorgeous house. haha, then, went to another park close to his house cause they wanted to play basketball :)

i wasn`t able to play with them, though i really wanted to, but my phone rang, just after i came out of the car :)) haha. t`was Chris. *blush*. haha :)) yeah, so i had no choice, but to answer it. haha :)) there, we talked forever. haha. i was watching them play while i was talking with him, and sitting on the bench beside the court. haha. wheeee ! he was soo sweeet. ugh ! he kept on telling me all these sweet stuff about... uhh, nevermind. haha :)) he`s just theee sweetest. he even sang me different songs, and take note, on the phone :) haha. isn`t that just the cuuuutest ? hahah. and then, we got into a fight about boys and girls in a relationship. haha. ofcourse, what do you expect ? he`s a guy, so he defended himself and the guys :)) and i did my part too. haha. so yeah, t`was so so so fun :) i told him he still owes me "IN-N-OUT" and he asked me when i want to get it. haha :)) cuuute. and then like, when her "tita" was coming in his room, she was speaking to him in tagalog, so he hadta speak it too. haha. very cuuuute, i tell ya. haha :)) i was like "okayy, just keep talking like that, cause it`s cuuute". haha and we both started speaking it. haha, funny ! then yeah. we talked for a total of an hour and 9 minutes :) i had to cut our conversation cause i didn`t know, we were leaving already. hahaha :)) so there, i couldn`t believe i thought we talked forever. haha. Thanks Chris :) the call was just theeee best part of the day ! ugh. you guys know how much i... yeah :)) i lalalalala love that guy !

Chris: i have faith in you.
Nixx: i do, too :)
Chris: didn`t you miss me ?
Nixx: uhh, don`t think so.
Chris: aww, that`s messed up.
Nixx: i was just kidding :)
Chris: *laughs*, okayy, you better be :)

okayy. Teressa said someone`s getting jealous. haha :)) but, whatever. hihi :)) there, after they played basketball, we headed home. dropped off Joycee, Marco, Jaycee, and then me, and Teressa, and yeah :) haha. loveeeed it. Thank You guys :) i lalalalala love you to the fullest !

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Teressa vs. Karl :) hahaha :))

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Kevin vs. Jaycee :) look at that look at that. haha :)) jayykayy !

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shit. that guy vs. me. i swear to god, that guy`s friggin hott. haha. ugh :| he`s soo hott. haha :))

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uhh. shoot the moon :)

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uhh. idk :))

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Mc'donalds :)

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where`s the moon ! ahah shit. we look like idiots.

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idiots. part two :)

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haha. boyfey, i`m not up there :)

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and again :) we`re idiots. Karl, Teressa, Nixx, and boyfey :)

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uhh. yeah.

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SOMEDAY :) i didn`t know Karl listens to songs like that. ahaha.

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that`s Kevin and them :)

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uhh. our driver. haha jayykayy !

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uhh. boyfey. you`re tall :))

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boyfey, you look cute. haha :))

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yeah !

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i didn`t know i was a horse. damn :|

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Joyceeeeee :) i lalalalala love you.

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i`m the 2nd one :) haha see the N ? yeah. haha.

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my turn, bitches ! haha :))

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uhh. paparazzi ! haha :))

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balls. ahaha :))

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Go Karl. you`re theeee best !

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hi boyfeeey :D

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ugh :| see the guy ? on the right. ugh ! he`s soo hoot, i swear. haha !

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gangggturrrs :)

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MINE ! :)

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GO NIXX ! haha. don`t slip :))

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hott. hott. hott. damnit, he was soo good :|

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haha boyfeey and i :) love it :)

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M-I-N-E :)

might go out again, today. idk. Iris still hasn`t called. they wanna watch a movie, again, so i`m still waiting for them to call and whatnot :)