Saturday, March 31, 2007

haha. it`s funny how every time i chat with the guys, they always ask me if i have a new boy already. haha. shit, do you guys really have to ask me that ? hahaha. it`s not like i have to, like have to have a new one each time i chat with any of yall. haha :)) but uhmm. idk. guys are craaaazy ! earlier, i was chatting with Marky and he was soo. uhmm. straight forward. idk. he was saying all these things to me like, what if i just barely met him. would i go out with him and stuff ? ahaha. that`s exactly what i`m trying to say. i don`t go out with guys i become close friends with. i just can`t stand it. especially right after Raymond admitted that.. yeah. i just loathe it. i haaate guys like that.. i mean, if you`re gonna be friends with me, just be it. don`t be like "i become friends with you because i want to ask you out in the end". ugh. it just turns me off, ferreals, so don`t even dare do that with me. haha :)) so yeah, i`ve been talking to like 5 different guys these past few days/weeks, and i think it`s just soo wrong. ugh :| they`re all okayy, but God knows i only like one of em. ugh :| not because i like him ever since, but because he`s different from every guy i know. ugh :| can i just die ? haha.

hehe. wow ! don`t chu just love those guys who are not afraid to tell you how they feel ? :)) i feel like i`m soo mean. i don`t know, but... ugh :| i`m hating life right now. i don`t wanna fall in love anymore. ahahaha :)) is that even right to say ? i mean, how can`t you ever fall in love with someone you`re deeply in love with. haha :)) shit. i`m soo not making sense. but yeah. i feel like uhmm, i`m soo mean. didn`t i just say that ? but with Marky though, i already knew he liked me ever since, but i wasn`t just showing, because he`s close friends with Chris, and i don`t want him to know that i actually like his friend. damn. i don`t know. i`m soo mean, but i`m not even doing anything.

i just wanna live a simple life, where guys just don`t actually exist, so that we can live happily ever after :)) haha.

holy shit. ugh ugh :| nooooooooo. God. stop it. this is wrong. i don`t want this.

byeee Marky, Chris, Jaycee, Joone, Raymond. haha shit :))



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