Wednesday, November 01, 2006

new layout [:

whew! don`t ask [: i got tired of the old one already! haha. anyways, my brother didn`t get lots of candies last night.. they were only out for like about 2 hours, and damn, when they got home, he didn`t even get lots of 'em. how nice :| haha. people these days are soo stingy. hahaha! oh well, i still brought candies to school this morning. by the end of 2nd period, everything was all gone! hahaha. lame lame lame.

Mrs. Rymer is soo damnn scary! i was soo scared during 4th period because i didn`t do my homework since i had no idea what the hell i was supposed to do with it. thank goodness i didn`t get in trouble. i got called but thank God the question she asked me was easy! whew! tomorrow, imma stay with her after school so i can catch up with things [: i don`t wanna fail Chem. well, i don`t think i`m even failing since i always get good grades in her class. it`s just that, i get all nervous and shit when i can`t sometimes figure out what she`s teaching us. :|

i`m too lazy to upload the pictures i promised you guys. haha! i might just do it on Friday since i can`t really be bothered to do it right now!! once my laziness starts to attack, everything turns around. hahaha! [: days go by soo quickly... 2 more days and it`s freakin Friday again, which is good actually [: but oh my gahddd, TIME, please slow down. hahahaha =))

i have three new lil pimples on my forehead.. ughh! i feel soo dirty :| i told you, bangs give you pimples... errr. it`s annoying.. the biggest one out of my three lil pimples is red. haha did that make sense? nevermind. sometimes, i say things i am not really suppose to say. :| rain rain, please come =))


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