Thursday, November 30, 2006

shout for joy

"You...I... we can be together, and we both know we are living in the sky. Maybe, we can last forever, there are chances in still. You move me..."

i didn't go to school today :| reason? i got lazy :| my mom didn't nag on me, which is a good thing. i thought she was going to scare me again about cutting my DSL off but thank god, everything happened the way i wanted them to.

yesterday was prolly one of the best days of my life. who would imagine that i could actually pull off such a nice grade in Chemistry? i just got the highest score on our last test! 45 out of 45 [: then, i actually got to be the leader for a couple of minutes to teach the ones who did bad on it. there were actually a lot of 'em. we were divided in 5 groups, and the leader would be the one who got the highest score. yes, i was happy. really really happy! this may sound weird but you just don't know how we suffer every second of our lives just to get a fair grade in that class. Chemistry is not as easy as what you think it is. you always have to get yourself ready and work hard to pass that class [: and i'm just so happy that finally, Mrs. Rymer gave me a good remark from it.

i'm single. he's single. i wonder what will happen next.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006


haha. my mom was soo mad yesterday morning when i told her that i didn't wanna go to school because i wanted to wait for the techician to come to our house and fix my DSL. [haha wow! what a long intro. haha. as usual, she nagged on me again and told me that once i didnt't leave the house, she would cut off my DSL line completely. hahaha! ofcourse i got scared so i told her to just freaking' call the AT&T people and tell them that they suck, BIG TIME. haha! i went to school, and everyone was like freezing to death. gahdd, it was soo cold in the morning. it's as if it was going to snow :| my classes were okay though, almost fell asleep during class but thank god i didn't. hahaha. during Chem, Mrs. Rymer told the class who passed the test last week, and guess what? i was in it. hahaha. only a few of us passed it so everyone else who didn't, have to come tomorrow for tutoring. hahaha! i was soo happy, i almost jumped off my seat. hahaha!

then then then... during lunch, i called my mom to ask for updates about my DSL. she told me that the techician hasn't arrived yet. duude, i was like panicking already! and my mom was soo mad! she told me that she called AT&T three times already and even yelled at the people whom she has talked to :| after that, i knew my DSL wouldn't get fixed anymore.

then when i came home after school, i realized that i didn't have my keys with me so i had to wait for my tita to come to be able to get in. SHIT! thank god it didn't take her long to come so i got inside early. then i went to check my modem and saw that the "red" light on the "DSL" is now green. haha. i was all jumping around when i saw it. my tita was thinking i was crazy, but hell, i was just soo happy. i found a letter on the keyboard and it was my mom saying that my DSL is now okay [haha too late]. i turned on the pc right away and while i got changed, then i went back to the computer and started doing what i've missed for freaking' 5 days! i was really really happy [: i can't even explain how happy i am up until now.

i missed watching PDA 24/7, so now i'm back to my old habit again. hahaha! i don't ever wanna lose my DSL ever again! swear to you, next time i lose it, i would definetly die :|

new layout! hahaha. and new bg song. i finally got to upload Irish's song called "You Move Me".. yay! freaking' love this song to bits. listen to it, yeah? special thanks to Benj for sending me the song and to Trina for converting it to mp3 file. thanks guys! hahaha! Irish all the way!

gotta go. i need to shower and freaking' wash my makeup off my face. my tita has been nagging on me about that since i came home. haha!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

stop the immaturity!

5 days of not having DSL is completely torture : i think i am about to die anytime soon. this is sickening, for reals. i just want my freaking' DSL back :((

Irish is again nominated for the freaking' 4th time : i knew it. she knew it. i just wanted to pinch her on tha face because of her talkativeness. stop speculating right away Irish. especially if you haven't even heard the results yet. it's just irritating and it gives the teachers the chance to nominate you. err Irish! nevertheless, better thank me 'cause you still remain my favorite favorite! haha weird. i freaking' love your hair. woohoo! totally gorgeous!! now i want my DSL back. i miss recording Irish's vids. shit.

and hello judges, Irish is right! quit commenting about her looks. duh, isn't it obvious? everyone's aware of that already. she has no problems with her looks, OKAY, give comments about her performance, and how she will improve in the future..

judges to Irish: ang ganda ng stage presence mo. you're really pretty! wala kang problema sa connection mo sa mga tao. you really shine on stage. you're pretty. you have good looks.

shit man, that's SICKENING!

Friday, November 24, 2006

hello? are you there?

i'm still on freaking' Dial Up right now. shit. the technician came today, but far from what i have expected, nothing happened. he came at around 9ish and even got lost finding where i live. then he called my house, asking for some directions, then i told him "do you want me to go outside instead"?. blahblahlblah. i asked him what was wrong with it, and he said that it was probably because of the phone line or something. to myself, i was thinking "Can you just tell me what's fucking wrong with it?." yeah, i was that desperate, but i couldn't show to him how upset i was for not having my DSL back for nearly two days. the respect was still there. yeah whatever! then he left. he said he was going to check the phone line around our area. now, wtf was that? then he came back. handed me his calling card and told me his lame excuse. yeah, i thought it was lame, but whatever! then he left. nothing happened, literally. my DSL didn't go back anymore. up until now, i'm still stuck using the dial up. it's sickening : *sigh, i hope i get my freaking' DSL back tomorrow! i can't take this anymore :

uhmm. about my post yesterday. i reread it over again and found out a few typos in it. sorry 'bout that but i can't be bothered to edit 'em right now for i'm really pissed about my effing situation right now. hope you understand! keep visiting my lame blog [: i promise i'll change my layout right after i get my DSL back! i'm effing tired of this layout already! :

Thursday, November 23, 2006

"Happy Birthday Mommy - i love you with all that i am"

Happy Birthday Ma! even if you won't be able to read this, i just wanna say that i love you soo much and no matter what happens, my respect for you will never fade away. thank you so much for everything. i would totally be lost without you! thanks for raising me this way and i'm soo proud that we're getting closer and closer each day! i wish you nothing but a very very long life with us! i love you Ma [: thanks for always putting up with me. all of us [your three children] love you to death. noone can tear us apart, forever [: Happy Birthday again, and damn mommy, you're still soo young! haha.

also, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you out there, wherever you are right now [: we have a lil party here at home. my mom cooked some food earlier like spaghetti, ham, macaroni, beef steak, etc. to celebrate her birthday and thanksgiving as well. we don't have any turkey here 'cause none of us eat that here. haha. earlier, we cleaned the house. haha! actually, it was only her mom and my tita who did all the work. i was being a lazy ass as usual. haha! they cleaned both the living room and the kitchen.. they threw away some stuff that we don't use anymore. then uhmm, my mom said that we're going to donate some of our gabazillion stuffed toys to a charity or something. we always do that, like when we have clothes that we don't use anymore, instead of throwing them away, my mom always always says that we should just donate it to the charity, so we're kinda used to it now. we have totally a gabazillion stuffed toys here that aren't even in use. *sigh*, i love my mother times infinity! my living room is soo spacey now. hehehe. then tomorrow, my mom asked me to fix my clothes. haha!

i'm still on Dial Up 'til now. err! i called the costumer support last night and they told me that there wasn't a problem with my computer but with my modem line. i couldn't figure what to do with it so i just didn't bother do it last night. instead, they said that they're gonna send a technician here tomorrow to go and fix it. he's coming at around 8 to 12. hehehe! we have to pay though. like $50 for the technician himself and if they have to change anything, it's gonna add up too. i told my mom that she has nothing to worry about it 'cause i'm going to pay everything! [: yupp, i'm gonna pay all the expenses with my own money! c'mon, it's my computer so it's not my mom's problem anymore, right? i'm starting to realize now that it's not forever that my mom will be able to support me, so starting from now, i'm kinda learning how to save for my future expenses. hehe! i need a job though! hahahaha.

damn, can't wait 'til i get this computer fixed. haha i missed PDA for 2 days :

my mom's buying my lil brother a laptop! aawe, lucky him! on Saturday, they're gonna go to Bestbuy to go find one. i'm jealous..NOT! haha. i'm just so thankful that i have a life like this. we get what we want but with my mom's sweat in it. it's fulfilling to know that i was given the chance to live my life the way i want it to live. i mean, there are tons of people out there who are not very fotunate in life so we should appreciate every lil thing that we get from our parents for they work hard for every lil thing we wish for, to have.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


okay, it may be too late to mention already, but i just wanna congratulate "Manny Pacquiao" for winning last night's rematch with "El Terible". baybeeh, knock out on the 3rd round? whoaaaa! my uncles and aunties almost jumped off a cliff while watching Morales fell every single time. haha. it was soo funny. i didn't really watch it live but i heard everything from the PDA house 'cause the scholars were watching it too and i could hear it from their tv. hahaha. they were freaking' jumping like lil kids. haha. it seemed soo fun! Pacman is a freaking' hero. i admire his passion and determination. that's what you call a "real fighter" right there. i loved how he made the cross sign every time his name and the Philippines were mentioned. i loved how his hunger on his face turned out to be the reason why he got the determination to prove everyone on that specific time that noone can beat us [the Filipinos] in such crusade like this. we really are the best! it was so touching to know, to see, to hear that a lot of Filipinos from all over the world took the time to stay home just to watch Pacman's fight. it was very touching to know that even the celebrities, the officials of the goverment, and every single aspect of the people, from young to old were all joining forces for Pacman's fight. that's what i love about the Filipino spirit. we are so compassionate to one another. i am very much proud to say that i belong in one of the million people who are truly proud to be Filipino! i salute you Pacman [: you really are our country's dear treasure. i loved how you made everyone united last night.

on the other hand, felt a lil sad about Morales. he was soo cute before and after the fight. i always thought he was cute, and he really is. right? haha! i love his face. he's got nice abs too. he even got skinnier. last time i saw him, he was quite buff. haha and when i saw him now, i got overwhelmed. haha! he's still hot though! i'm not happy that he lost, but i'm happy how he finally accepted the fact that Pacman is way way better than him, and the fact that he can never beat him. i salute you for that, Morales [: by the way, Sarah Geronimo was also good when she sang our National Anthem. i almost cried actually, because it was soo touching to see that EVERY SINGLE one of us were so proud of our own country.

"Look at me, You may think you see who I really am, But you'll never know me".

i guess, now is the time to finally scratch my former favorite song "She Will Be Loved" off my list. when i first heard the song "Reflection", i thought to myself that it really is such a great song, but i never used to appreciate it until yesterday when i started listening to it again. damn, when i played it the first time around, i was just completely staring at the freaking' screen. then i began to realize "How stupid i was for not noticing this song way back when i first heard it". haha. now i guess you can say that i can't stop listening to this song anymore. haha! i've been actually listening to it since this morning. haha. i love love love it. it's indeed my favorite favorite song now [: yes baybeeh. She will be loved would be second, and All My Life third. hahaha. listen to it, i put it as a background music here and on myspace. haha. freaking' LSS again. hahaha. listen to it, listen to it, and get addicted [:

tomorrow's Monday again :| it's okay though 'cause Mrs. Rymer's not gonna be around anyway. haha. then my "Pee Pee Gee" and I are going out after school. YAY! i miss them soo much. we're gonna eat at the Vietnamese Noodle House. haha. see you there? haha behh. damnit, i can't stop listening to my song.. shizzzz!

the new PDA rule states that we [the viewers] can now request a song that we want our favorite scholar to sing on expulsion nights. i got so excited when i heard the good news. haha. i emailed PDA right away and requested Irish to sing "Reflection" :) yeah baybeeeh. i really really want her to sing that song. i think it fits her thoroughly and it's so her. i love love love this freaking' song. haha! the thing is, the PDA production team will review all our suggestions and the song that gets the highest request for that specific scholar will be the one that he/she's going to sing. aawe! isn't that cool? now, please help me email the PDA staff for Irish [: haha. just simply email them at and write on the email that you want Irish to sing "Reflection". easy as that. it won't take you more than 30 seconds to do that! please please do it. [: thank you very much [:

damn! can't stop listening to "Reflection"... i made a new layout on myspace. you should go see it now. hahaha. i put the song there as well. hell yeah!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Nix's Blurbs.

"Life is beautiful but people are crazy".

i haven't gotten my montly visit for nearly 2 months now. YES, i am anxious, but yet, i'm pretty damn sure that one of the possible reasons is because i've never gotten enough sleep these past few months. i'm kinda worried too though, because lately, i've been feeling my cramps hurting, but nothing happened in the end :| some people i know are now trying to build up their own speculations out if this, which i find really funny because HELLO? i'm not the kind of person you think i am :)

i'm trying to learn to compose my own song. it really is one of my dreams ever since, to write my own song. i wanna be more music inclined. i wanna learn how to play an instrument; preferrably the guitar. i wanna be in a group of band. i wanna learn something new. i wanna make my life worth living.

i love love love the Verzikhulo's rendition of Hawak Kamay. damn, LSS! haha. double great job Kim, Jay, Dan, and everyone else in Verzikhulo.. damn guys, i salute you all. haha! kick some asses man [: if you wanna listen to their own rendition, click HERE. trust me, it's hella LSS. Kim, you still need to send me the file of this song. haha. i wanna put it in my ipod already! Keep rockin' you guys [: you make meeee and alotta people happy.

i knew you weren't gonna leave. i also knew you weren't gonna win the textvotes 'cause of what Ate Adela told me, but hey, you kicked some asses today Irish [: you make me proud! teehee. don't ever give up, especially now that there's only 10 of you left in the academy and will soon be 6 in just a couple of weeks. the competition gets tighter and tighter each day and i must say, all of you guys improved. don't chu worry Irish, everyone knows you're gonna make it to the top 6, and so do i [: you have my support 'til the very end. haha! just keep kicking asses every Saturday. you're on the right track girl [: everyone loves you!

ps. new layout [: i made it myself. i made two layouts today out of boredom but the first one i made was crap so i ended up deleting it [: oh yeah, this is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox so don't forget to download it if you still haven't.. the best software ever [:

i told my mom i want to have a Luau for my 17th. [like everyone's gonna be in their bikini and we're gonna rent a pool place thing] but she hasn't told me her decision yet. haha. but seriously though, i really want to have a Luau. i mean, with just my close friends and those who i just keep in touch with, the most [: sounds fun right? yeahh, it's just really up to my mom because i'm also gonna be wearing braces in 4 months :[ i miss my dentist. thank God he's filipino. hahaha.

Friday, November 17, 2006

i'm scared for tomorrow :| actually for later.... errr.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

"I am nobody. Nobody is perfect. Therefore, I must be perfect!"

i don't feel like going to school tomorrow since my classes are boring. haha! i have Art, Chem and History. then we're having a sub in Chem since Mrs. Rymer will be off to a fieldtrip! YAY! i don't wanna go school but then it's Friday, so just might as well get it done with. haha. i might bring "baon" tomorrow 'cause i always get hungry at lunch. haha. might bring rice and... uhh.. i don't know yet. haha. i haven't done my Hist0ry essay still. i don't think i still want to turn one in :| bad, bad, bad... well, can't blame me. my members are freaking' lazy as hell :|

didn't get to watch the Season Finale of Laguna Beach last night since i took a nap and my brother didn't wake me up :| so i watched the replay today in the afternoon. didn't get to watch the beginning though 'cause i turned the tv on a lil late.. haha. i'll just watch it again later :) Alex is soo hot :) and uhh, Rocky is hella drop-dead gorgeous. and Tessa too :) haha! i cried when Rocky and Alex met up on the beach and Alex gave her a ring.. shit man. that was the sweetest thing ever... don't chu just want a guy like Alex? haha i do do.. whatever! i love Rocky and Alex together :) too sad though, 'cause Alex will be going to college soon and Rocky will stay in Laguna. also, Kelan's going to SDSU :) damn. ever since i started watching Laguna Beach, i just barely realized that most of 'em choose to live in San Diego to go to SDSU! haha how fun is that? haha. anyway, i'm kinda sorta happy that Rocky and Breanna are ok again! haha :) poor Tessa :| but whatever, i still love her. haha! okay okay, enough with LB! i'm gonna watch the whole thing later :) oh yessssss! i love LB! and so does Irish. haha. she always mentions on 24/7 that Laguna Beach is also her favorite favorite show here in the States.. huwow!! hehe.

"Hating me won't make you look pretty." - don't chu think so? haha. i know four girls in my school who freaking' hate me to death... my side?? "i don't give a f*ck".. haha!

^^^ i miss my camera :| i miss being vain. haha. i'll be getting a new one next month :) thank you mom! my camera's not even broken. how many times do i have to say that it only needs a freaking' lithium coin which costs less than 5 bucks to be able to work again? hahaha! i couldn't find one at Walmart though :| so i have to go to Best Buy to go fetch it :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Laguna Beach Season Finale...

it's going to be on in less than 2 hrs [: can't wait. i wanted to sleep, but i was like "Nevermind" 'cause i realized that my alarm clock doesn't alarm whenever i set it on :| i'm sleepy though, but i have to control it since i can't miss the last episode. haha! i just popped two lil pimples on my chin. shizz, they hurt like hell :| i was soo freaking' out because blood was coming out of the freaking' whatchamacallit thing. eww! then i washed my face with my daily papaya soap :) my chin still hurts until now :|

school was okay today! i finally understand our new lesson in Chem. hahaha! though i'm still kinda lost with balancing equation stuff, thank God John and Tere are there to help me :) thanks guys! haha. on the darker note, i didn't turn in the essay that was due today for History. err. i got lazy to do it last night. haha! i'll just prolly turn it in tomorrow, or Friday :)

Irish is so not leaving.. i believe she's not, and i also know she's not :) i just get upset when she mentions that she's going to leave, 'cause hell Irish, you are NOT leaving. i don't think i will be watching PDA if you get expelled. so don't chu worry anymore :) i like the dance they're dancing on Saturday. haha. it's called "Santa Baby" and Irish is partnered up with Ronnie. haha! i won't spoil you anymore about it okay? haha. i'll just let you watch it on Saturday!

my chin still hurts. i can't smile big :| haha. it's almost Friday again. wuhoooo!! i have money. haha! yey! i love my mommy! :) lalalalalala. someone told me the other day that i got skinny. hehe :) i forgot who said it though, but thank you :) whoever you are, you made me feel comfy about my weight since i really thought i got really fat. haha! thank you thank you!!

kayy, gotta go. gotta watch Laguna Beach now :) byeeeeee friends.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

"You tried, and you failed, so the lesson is, never try".

hahaha. i found that quote somewhere on the internet and it makes me laugh everytime i read it. hahaha! if you think about it, it actually is true, in a silly way. haha. btw, the pic up there is quite old [: i just feel like posting it since my blog is uberly lacking of pictures. haha. that's the bad side of not having a camera to use :|

our freaking' RO teachers made us run in the mud today :| i got uberly wet. from head to toe :| now i feel sick. i've been coughing ever since we came back in class. my nose is running as well :| err, i hate it. i'm never gonna suit up again. haha kidding ;] i'm pissed though :| i think i passed the fitness test though. or did i ? haha. i think i only messed up on the running part. haha! i finished a lap and a half in freaking 3 mins and 9 seconds. haha! 3rd to the last, i believed. hahaha! i told you, i'm the worst runner you'll ever meet.. i suck at it :|

then i went to tutoring for Chem after school! Good Job! although i didn't learn a thing :| snacks were good. haha! the girl sitting in front of me kept talking to me all the time, so basically, i didn't get any work done. haha! we were just talking the whole entire time. shizznit. haha! she's cool though! i mean, she blurbs too much. hahaha. i left at around 430ish when i got bored :| hahaha. then i went home with Mark, Aries and his gf.

Mark: hey Jakol.
Me: stfu. can you quit calling me that ?
Mark: i know who likes you.
Me: who ?
Mark: he's in our class. it's ***** [i don't wanna put the name]
Me: so ? i don't care :|

i do know though :| it's kind of annoying 'cause whenever he talks to me in that class, i feel irritated.. you know what i mean? like, i feel different and all. errr. oh well! gahdd! hahaha.

oh yeah, about Matt [: i saw him the other day. i tried to ignore him but i think he noticed it. hahaha. he was like "Are you ignoring me?". and i was like "uhh, no! i just hadn't seen you for days". ahahaha! good one Ja [: doood. i still feel sorry for him.. err. i'm soo mean! i'm still his top 1 on myspace though. errr :| i'm soo mean to boys! [: but sorry guys, i wish you knew how much i love "that" person.

kayy people, listen up: i hate it when people try to copy other people's profile on myspace and then they paste it onto theirs and claim to you that they're the ones who wrote it. what the fuck is wrong with those people? just by the way you talk, i can already identify if you're lying or not. trust me, i know a lot of people who do that!! it's pathetic.. people with no confidence about themselves!! SUCKERS! i won't name names, but you know who you are :|

for breakfast, i had Skyflakes and Buko Juice.. then for dinner now, i'm eating Skyflakes again and Buko Juice. haha yeah baby! if you wanna lose weight, better not eat rice at night.. [: i'm actually getting used to it now. hahaha good good good [:

pretty Irish is sleeping again!! haha. we are soo much alike.. she's also not a day person like me. damn!! hahaha. she sleeps too much, and it's funny =)) she looks like a sleeping beauty! hahaha. she looks so quiet and peaceful. okayy, that sounds bad. haha! but yeah! she just finished her voice lessons then she rushed down to bed. hahaha! sweet dreams Irish. haha jaykay! wake up soon. gahdd, it's soo boring in the academy right now. noone's worth my time. haha!

Monday, November 13, 2006

shit. i hate the freaking' livestream right now :| it hangs/buffers a lot. errrr. it's freaking' annoying.. can we complain about it? damnit. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it >.< style="font-weight: bold;">not lazy anymore. hahaha. i feel sleepy again. damnit, i really am sleepless, huh? i get sleepy all the time, even after i get up from sleeping the first time.. what the hell? my eyes are going "close open, close open".. hahaha stupid me :| oh yeah! my mommy cooked "pork brocolli" for lunch! yumm. thank you mom! i'm glad she knows my favorite. haha. she made it pork instead of beef though. haha but it's all good..

oh yeah! i curled my hair today [: thanks for the compliments, people [: to those who were asking how i did it.. haha. first, i straightened it up [even though my hair's already straight], then i put Pantene treatment thing on it that i use all the time for my hair... then i curled it few at a time. then put hairspray on it... then it's done. haha!! i have to use hairspray every time i curl my hair 'cause my hair's so smooth/soft and when i just curl it without using hairspray, after awhile, it goes back to being straight again. haha! trust me, i've done that too many times before, and hell, it was irritatingly annoying.. hahaha!

Airam: did you curl your hair?
Me: yeah, duh! [laughing] haha.
Airam: it's pretty.
Me: thank you!
Airam: but i like it more when it's straight.
Me: really? thank you [:

hahaha! love love my hair toooo...... whee! back to my 24/7 habit. it's still annoying though :|

- edit -

what the hell? i just finished reading what i wrote up there and i just realized that some of my posts got deleted.. the hell? the first part was long, but now it's short. the hell? i talked about Irish there, like a really long post about her, but now it's gone.. hmm, how the hell did that happen? kthanksbyee!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

can you feel the love ?


there's completely something about Christmas that makes me sad :| to tell you honestly, Christmas is the saddest holiday of the year because for me, you should't just give love on Christmas day! love should always be present all the time. it's like you're saying "you love a person only because it's Christmas". it's weird, right? i don't like Christmas :| Christmas trees, mistle toes, santa clauses make me saaad :|

Good Job Irish, for making and decorating all the Christmas trees in the academy. haha! well, some other scholars helped her but mostly, it was her who made it seem beutifuuuuuul. i feel the presence of Christmas, only in their house. Lol.

didn't go shopping today. i feel bad :| 'cause my mom woke up early because she thought we were going shopping but i was so stupid for telling her that i'm laaazy. wth? i told her if we can just go next week because i'm tired and i wanted to sleep. very lame!

Friday, November 10, 2006

false alarm. *laughs

my alarm clock doesn't alarm when it's supposed to [better yet, my mom's damn phone]. haha! i loathe it : like earlier, i took a nap at around 8ish PM because they weren't showing Irish that much on 24/7, and i set the alarm at 9:30 PM but heck, when i woke up, it was already 12:45AM. and come to think of it, i didn't even wake up by the sound of the damn phone, i still managed to wake up from myself. shit face! hahaha. did it really alarm and i just didn't hear it because of too much stress and exhaustion that i have ever since i started this obsession? could that be possible?

okayy! it's now 1:23 AM and i kinda want to go back to sleep but half of my mind says "NO, you gotta stay up".. wow! exagge, right? 24/7 is still not worth watching at all because from what i heard from Joan, she said that Irish is sleeping. haha. whata' nice way to start my new day [yeah, it's morning remember? haha]

but anyway, despite all that, i still handle to bring off a smile on my face because tomorrow is indeed a holiday, so therefore, you fill in the blank. hahaha. NO SCHOOL bebeh! shizzz, i've been waiting for this! i get to rest the whole effing day [well, not really since my mom has something for me to do in return of going shopping on Sunday.. hahaha. yupp, for every reward, there's always a consequence] it's okayy though! atleast i still get to rest part of the day.. i need that so badly, i keep falling asleep in my classes : told you, i'm really not a day person :

i'll continue this tomorrow. finally made up my mind. i'm going back to shhleeeep. hush baby hush!

- edit - [5:57AM]

seriously speaking, i was a lil devastated when Season 2 ended so quickly. i really really didn't want it to end since i was getting more and more hooked to it each and every time i watch it. then when it ended, i was crying to death. i cried buckets 'cause of the thought that i might not see Stephen, Kristin, Jessica, LC and Talan ever again. then came the Season 2 premier, and when i watched it's first episode, i thought to myself: "this Season sucks big time. Casts are ugly, Boys aren't EVEN as hot as Stephen and Jason, Girls are freaking full of drama even in it's first effing episode".. i really thought it wasn't worth watching at all. but then.... here comes the exagerrating part: hahaha! when i watched the 2nd episode, i kinda had that feeling that it actually feels like a good show to watch. i mean, i asked and told myself "Why not give it a try"? and so i did. and from then on, i started watching the episode every Wednesday and i would always wait for that day to come just to be able to watch it. hahaha! then then then, little by little, bits by bits, i realized that Season 3 is just not actually full of drama. nevertheless, it's actually full of fun adventures and experiences that each and every one of 'em encounters. from there, i started loving the show, though i still have those people who i consider the "mean ones" and the "so so ones". it didn't matter to me anyways because all i care about is the show, just the entire show. now i'm soo hooked to it, as much as i did on the past 2 Seasons of the so called "Laguna Beach". hahaha. i can't even believe that it's about to end really soon, or shall i say, next Wednesday would be it's finale. i'm just so happy that they created a show like this, that really makes a teenager like me go crazy but yet, will make you realize that each and every one of us is different in our own ways. it's really true that "you can't please everybody".. SERIOUSLY though..... you really can't.

i love love Laguna Beach! it's like the best best best show ever created [: agree or disagree, i don't care. LB is theee best! the disclaimer at the beginning says “the people, locations and the drama are real.” it's hard to believe that there really are so many beautiful teens with that much money and that much drama. it's entertaining nonetheless and i really can't help but tune in every week! At the end of a long day, it's the perfect escape!

this show is really AMAAAZING. trust me, i've been an avid tuner of this show ever since Season 1 started.. now, BEAT THAT!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

she could be.

hey friends [: so like, Christian Bautista's song called "She Could Be" is hella tight. LSS, man. haha! i love love love that song. turn your speaks on and tell me if the song's working. anyways, i had a test today in Chemisty. i didn't really think it was hard but i'm still scared. i have a lot of expectations in that class and i don't wanna disappoint myself. Mrs. Rymer is the kind of teacher who is a lil intimidating but i think it's part of her job to be like that. i don't really like Chemistry at all but the fact is, i learn a lot from her. she's the kind of teacher who will not leave you alone unless you get what she's trying to teach you. haha!

mommy promised me earlier that she's going to take me shopping on Sunday! woohoo, something to look forward to again [: atleast my 3-day weekend won't be that useless after all. haha. i miss the mall. i miss roaming around the mall until both of my feet are drawn. hahaha. Plaza, here i come. time to take over you again [:

"She could be all I'm ever gonna need. She's like a beauty queen In just her t-shirt and her jeans. She could be just the one I've waited for, Could be a perfect score and more (yeah) she could be." wheeeeew! freaking LSS :| i'm obsessed with this song.

Monday, November 06, 2006

and i think i'm falling...

yuckk! haha. i hope i'm not. this is wrong. totally wrong! falling inlove with your love's brother? haha is that right? gahdd damnit :| i know it's wrong, but damn. he's hott. haha! he's younger than me though :| which is totally a NO NO! but sh*t, he gets my attention all the f*cking time. oh citrus, i have a something something for your brother. haha sshh Joyce [: *ehem*.

:| my PDA subscription expired today at around 5 in the afternoon! i was watching 'em as they played water guns when suddenly, my windows player just stopped and something popped out saying that i don't have a working license anymore. hahaha! then then then.... guess what? i subscribed again for another month! whaaaa! sorry mommy [: i don't think i can live without a live stream as of now. haha! sorry sorry! so yeah.... i'm soo happy again! hahahaha.

chatting with the Irisholics right now. wohooo!! i love you guys.. i uploaded new videos on youtube.. watch the two new ones i uploaded... i love love love Irish's song called "You Move Me".. shizzzzzzle.. hahahaha!!! Irish rocks my socks [:

sorry for the lame post... i'm really tired right now :| i promise, i'll make it all up to you someday! hahaha. i'mma rest for about an hour [: i haven't gotten sleep lately.. as in HAVEN'T.

i'm sleeeeeepy.. don't know what to wear tomorrow. sh*t, i hate thinking about what to wear for school each and every freaking day :|

Sunday, November 05, 2006

relax relapse [;

i got lazy to blog yesterday since i was too busy watching PDA. now i'm still lazy so i'll just get back with this laaaater. thank you very much.

- edit -

haha. i just woke up :D i went to bed this morning at around 8AM already. damn, right?. it's now 1:11PM and i'm eating hotdog with cheese [Filipino style], Choco Knots and Buko Juice. haha talking about being all Asian here. haha! on a darker note, Michelle is now totally expelled from the academy. aawe! she got nominated again and we all know that if that happens again, she'll be automatically expelled because it's her 5th time being nominated :| it was soo sad earlier when i was watching livestream, Irish was all crying soo hard and shizz. and the people from PEX are saying that they feel more sorry for Irish than they do for Mich. aawe! she'll be leaving later on [Monday noon in the Philippines]. Irish got nominated again, along with Jay-r and Davey, but since Michelle is automatically expelled, the three of 'em got saved. and again, i don't see any reason why Irish got nominated. i really thought she did very good last night. she was able to maintain a nice flowing sound from her song and she was able to reach her high notes.. freaking' judges, whenever Irish performs, their ears all go deaf.. shizzz! haha. oh well, atleast she's safe now! Thanks Mich. damnit, i hate seeing Irish crying..

chatting with Ate Pau right now [: wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!! we missed her. hahaha.. "about that Hyphy Juice" she wrote on the letter, Irish was cracking up. hahaha! Ate Pau, you're funny [: i'm proud to be the Co-Pres of the Irisholics. i love you guys immensely [:

likas papaya is my ultimate bestfriend. haha =)) by the way, i was reading Jim Paredes' blog earlier and heck, his blogs are really worth reading. haha! i get impressed with people who write really really well. i seriously want a new layout. gahdd damnit. what the hell is wrong with me?

Friday, November 03, 2006

2nd post for this day [:

haha. another new fucking layout! wheee. i can't help it, damnit. haha! anyways, school was actually fun today! Chem was okay, though Mrs. Rymer gave us a ton of homework to do this weekend! we have a major test on Wedsday; everything from Chapter 6-8. whew! i hope i won't forget. haha. please remind me if ever [: hahaha. 6th period was also okay. DUH! Chris, thank you so much for making me wear your jacket the whole period because i was too effing cold. thanks for your concern. thanks also for the tattoo on my fist. haha! i liked liked liked it a lot. love you [: Gabe, thanks for always being sweeet. love you also! haha. Yee, stop hitting on me okay? haha keeding [; uhmm. that's kinda mean. oh well :|

my fingers hurt :| i'm watching some LS right now. haha, the scholars aren't allowed to talk. haha! Irish and some other girls are still sleeping, and it's already 10:30 AM over there. hahaha! they weren't allowed to talk since last night. reason? ASK ME! hahaha. can't wait for the Gala Night. woohooo!!


i woke up at around 4ish. dundundunn. haha. i was supposed to wake up earlier than that but my freaking alarm clock didnt alarm again. gahdd damn. oh well! 24/7 LS wasnt even worth watching earlier since they wouldnt focus on Irish a lot. errr. now, she's the only one in the house because she's sick and the rest is in their Yoga Class outside the academy. aawe! Irish gets sick a lot, which is actually not good at all. they should bring her to the hospital right away because she's performing tomorrow, and if she doesnt get well as soon as possible, then its gonna affect her whole performance tomorrow.. ABS, gahdd damn, can you feel me?

okayy! it's now 5:28AM. haha means, i gotta shower now [: i'm leaving for school at around 640ish [: wheee. then then then.. i cant wait to go home. hahaha!! TGIFF. thank god its freaking friday! hahaha! byeee for now!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

new layout [:

whew! don`t ask [: i got tired of the old one already! haha. anyways, my brother didn`t get lots of candies last night.. they were only out for like about 2 hours, and damn, when they got home, he didn`t even get lots of 'em. how nice :| haha. people these days are soo stingy. hahaha! oh well, i still brought candies to school this morning. by the end of 2nd period, everything was all gone! hahaha. lame lame lame.

Mrs. Rymer is soo damnn scary! i was soo scared during 4th period because i didn`t do my homework since i had no idea what the hell i was supposed to do with it. thank goodness i didn`t get in trouble. i got called but thank God the question she asked me was easy! whew! tomorrow, imma stay with her after school so i can catch up with things [: i don`t wanna fail Chem. well, i don`t think i`m even failing since i always get good grades in her class. it`s just that, i get all nervous and shit when i can`t sometimes figure out what she`s teaching us. :|

i`m too lazy to upload the pictures i promised you guys. haha! i might just do it on Friday since i can`t really be bothered to do it right now!! once my laziness starts to attack, everything turns around. hahaha! [: days go by soo quickly... 2 more days and it`s freakin Friday again, which is good actually [: but oh my gahddd, TIME, please slow down. hahahaha =))

i have three new lil pimples on my forehead.. ughh! i feel soo dirty :| i told you, bangs give you pimples... errr. it`s annoying.. the biggest one out of my three lil pimples is red. haha did that make sense? nevermind. sometimes, i say things i am not really suppose to say. :| rain rain, please come =))